Trump & Putin Slated For Arrest By The Maniacal Western Elitists.

Sun Mar 19 16:44:25 EDT 2023

There have been much talk, mostly by self identified Nazis, mocking and condemning Christians, as mere lackeys of the Jews. They spew the most vile rhetoric denouncing them as, essentially, fools for having faith. Meanwhile, another condemned and ridiculed device, a book, which many call, the Bible, or the holy scriptures, it's words contained, seem to be coming to pass for the entirety of humanity to witness and behold. We are watching the big lies, of alleged devastating climate change, one world government saviours and we're seeing he control of many, by the ever tightening rules and roles of governments, internationally, as if by coordination, freezing and seizing, the assets of dissidents, whether, individuals, organizations or entire nations. Yet many pretend to not recognize the signs, that all these events have long been prophesied, several millennia ago.

One mentions all this, in the realization, that the governments of the world, particularly, in the collective west, seem to be purposely coordinating their efforts to bring about, beside a devastating world war, a one world collective, where the people have only the rights, liberties and freedoms which only the elitist bureaucrats and politicians decree. One can see it in the unison of their media entirely. They all seem, to curiously, regurgitate the same sound bites, the same talking points and inevitably, the same narratives. The also seem to be immensely hurried going about it too. As if they perceive themselves, to be quickly running out of time.

The democrats in the United States, although they seem to be well represented withing the many bureaucracies, along with their controlled opposition, the republicans in name only, have, until exactly, during the 2018 elections, been floundering at the polls. Indeed, the majority of counties and states are resoundingly not of their ilk and it was only a matter of time, before that political group, became the party solely of communist blacks, conmen, the mentally ill and criminals. So, it has always been, recognized that since the democrats couldn't win at the polls, they'd have to invent multiple schemes, that would inevitably, undermine the electoral process, with the ultimate aim being, somehow, holding office and power, without elections. Well, it seems that they have arrived with a winning strategy, indeed. They have decided that those days of doing the hard, grunt work, of campaigning, by rubbing shoulders with the electorate, pretending to listen carefully are just old fashioned and have no place in modern policy. Oh no, why go through all that trouble when they aren't beholden to the voters any longer? They don't have to do all that anymore, not when their patrons are wealthy globalists who have purchased them and elections can be rigged with the aid of the federal bureaucrats, their armed goons and all cheerfully sanctioned by the media and enforced by what is currently disguised as law enforcement. All one has to do, is look. How many elections, since 2016, have people seen, the tyrannical forces sponsored by their big moneyed bosses, won by not even venturing outside their safe comfort zones? Far too many for one's taste.

So now, after seven long years of the false claims of Russian interferences into US elections and Trump being a Putin Russian puppet, which we now understand why they were so panicked and steadfast, the forces of evil with their powerful rich global friends, have decided to abandon all caution. Indeed, it should be expected from the sorts of people, willing to engulf the planet into a global nuclear, biological, chemical and radiation war, to do such things. Things such as, issuing an arrest warrant for Russian president Vladimir Putin and the curiously timed news, that President Donald Trump have also been provoked with being arrest, perhaps as soon as this Tuesday. It is becoming very clear, that people who claim to want to protect the planet of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and flatulence seem perfectly willing to abandon all that, if they can't rule the world. They would rather prefer to see the whole thing burn down, if they can't have it. This type of behavior reminds one of those jilted people, dealing with unrequited loves, whom, upon realization of the inevitabilities of lasting relationships, prefer, to instead, kill themselves along with their supposed loves as well. Truly, the most craven form of cowardice.