US Government Supports Armed Conflicts That Murder Thousands Of Souls, While Disarming Americans At Home.

Does the government have any rights under the US Constitution? No, the US Constitution, restricts government overreach and specifically enumerates, the natural rights of the people. The politicians, many of whom are lawyers, done so, by design, are ever trying to weaken the spirit and text of the constitution, in order to wrestle away the rights of the people.

Naturally, an apathetic society, which thinks voting is nonsense, just because the process is rigged, is just the type of attitude that the deep state politicians could hope for, in order to have their plans come into fruition. How can one take the apathetic among us that claim, they will not vote, because both parties are the same, plus the elections are rigged seriously? We don't. We can't trust people who are too unconcerned about the state of their nation, and don't vote, for whatever reasons to do anything else than to complain and roll back over and remain deep in dream and slumber. People too lazy to vote, will be too lazy to fight, no matter what their objections. They're a lost cause. So be it. Like in all matters, we'll have only ourselves, upon which to depend.

With the recent US Supreme Court rulings, asserting the right of Americans to bear and possess arms now even more clarified and pronounced, the anti freedom parties among us are desperately trying to ensnare a perceived majority into adopting their narrative that we should disarm. They're attempting to disarm us incrementally, until there are no more arms in our possession and they have even begun to sue the manufacturers of guns and ammunition into submission, using the same tactics used, against the tobacco companies. It wont work. Rising crime and lawlessness and forced to being our own first responders, dictate that we be armed an ready to confront lawless threats against our lives and property. We wont give up. Just because they create laws making us illegal doesn't make us wrong.