Virtue Signalling Lefty Frauds Deport Illegal Aliens, From Martha's Vineyard.

I thought that lefties loved the illegal aliens, that they loved all the diversity. Turns out that the lefties in Martha's Vineyard are just as racist as the rest of us. It's always nice to see a meeting of the minds, isn't it. These are the people with the signs that read, “Nobody Is Illegal.” It turns out that the National Guard were employed to remove them. I bet they felt the love.

Speaking of love, why do the leftist dip shits, continue to call these invaders, migrants? What, are they birds or butterflies? Usually, real migrating species, change homes by routine, twice a year or so, and out of necessity. They usually have a winter home and a summer home, depending on the point of view, it's all relative. Oh, and usually, migrating species, are usually welcome and they have the common decency to fly over one's border, under their own power.

I love this new strategy being employed by these based republican governors. Initially, I didn't think that they'd get any traction with it and I thought it would be a waste of time. However, I'm often wrong, so this was one of those moments when I was delighted to be so. The democrats aren't taking this lying down though, as even now, they're plotting, how can they arrest those southern governors, or at least sue them in court. I thought the United States, according to the lefties, was more racist than it has ever been. Funny that, one would think, that us being so racist, hateful and intolerant, that, especially in a economical depression, no one would want to voluntarily come here. Again I'd be wrong, these people aren't flying here, they're walking and hitching and being enabled by the same type of lefties that live in and around Martha's Vineyard. Cry more lefties, I wish to make some lemonade with those sweet, sweet tears.