Was There Really Ever A Terrorist Threat To The US?

Knowing what we know now about the Washington D.C., deep state, the establishment politicians, the uni party and the bureaucrats, it's easy to reorganize our thoughts, to see how well we have been programmed, by all the lying media, on both the right and on the left. I find it useful to reevaluate my thoughts these days, especially now that we can see all the little emperors running around nakedly bare, obliviously thinking that they're adorned in raiment fair. World politicians, most noticeably, in the west, seem to be in lockstep, with the same agenda, the same talking points and the same very actions. The have already moved all their chess pieces, strategically on the board and, while they seem to be hurrying, as if they have but little time, they all seem to be waiting for a signal, which will give them the opportunity to pounce.

What are they really up to? Well one world government it seems. It's laughable really. Just think of all those maniacal power hungry politicians, in the District of Columbia alone, trying to reach any accord, much less an international world dictatorship, all it's bureaucracy, trying to get along without chinks in the armor and a solid foundation, incapable of vulnerabilities. They're a cocky bunch too, they have no respect for the population, and even at this very moment, they're making steps to stifle and choke off all those who oppose them and instill them with fear, intimidation and dread. One has to give it them, though, they do seem confident, almost as if they know something, which the rest of us do not know.

Besides a one world controlled, government bureaucracy, it seems as if the globalist, elitists, extremists have a strategy to make western nations in Europe and North America, poorer, drowning with debt, starving in famines, droughts and pestilence, even if all that is man made and manufactured, in order to have humanity on its knees, begging to be saved, even if the price will be each person's soul. I'm speculating, of course and it's ironic that while they're using the natural ebb and flow of the weather, as a catalyst for their control, it's ironic that the climate is the only crisis that is not being manufactured by man. The governments and their offshoots are actively waging biological warfare on the population and causing people to comply or else lose all or most of what they've worked hard and long for. They have begun to pressure, target and harass productive farmers with invented, supposed, violations of rules and or laws, to further stifle productivity.

There have been a steady series of suspicious accidents causing fires, explosions and even aircraft accidents at food processing plants in the United Stated alone, and those are just the ones that we have heard about. No doubt it's all just a coincidence. One suspects that these accidents are also occurring world wide as well, they're just not being reported. Many people claim that such observations are just mere theories of conspiracies and they just roll over and go back to their metaphorical sleep. It seems futile to wake them, after all more for us right? However they're in such a deep slumber, one expects that they'll remain that way until that day, when they're awaken by the sounds of bombs, falling all around them, while at the same time, the deep state deep state bodyguards will be too busy to stop anything, since they'll be too busy trying to frame Donald Trump, Ultra M.A.G.A republicans, black white supremacists and trying to disarm us, to notice, until way too late.

Obviously, there are a minority of people who will hang on to the narratives of the deeps state, corporate media and political pundits, to their own peril, I might add, but most of us are starting to wake up and we have begun to question everything, including much of what we once believed and held true. So, when a population, finally get to that place where they begin to see right through the subliminal text, images and narratives, set to ensnare them into apathy, passivity and compliance, it is little wonder, that those who would try to sedate them, will panic when the messages they previously employed, no longer have that power, of deception.

That is why the globalist have to turn those free peoples into enemies of states and the world. These people aren't the great thinkers, the perceive themselves to be. I'm sure that, that fictional emperor, who strutted around naked, for all to see, thought himself to be utterly wise and indeed, a brilliant thinker, especially his decision of his most recent, raiment. Indeed, whole they themselves, can only see their greatness, the rest of us are presented, only with their unaltered nakedness and everything they tried to keep hidden.