We Have Been Governed Against Our Will.

From foisting legalized baby killings into our society, allowing the deluge of illegal aliens to flout our laws, without paying any penalties, a budding two tiered legal system, Obama-Care, vaccine mandates, disregard of the first, second and fourth amendments to the constitution, plus a host of other reasons that I sure I've overlooked and or forgotten for the moment, convinces me that I may be correct into thinking that a government for the people, by the people, accountable to the people, may have been hijacked or we have willingly surrendered our right to self government. Why free people, would willingly give away their power to power hungry phonies is beyond me. Think about it, when have the government, any government done anything helpful or good that have made your life any better? I can't think of anything. In the US, the democrats make it a point of duty to insert themselves into every faucet of our lives, the republicans, at least on the surface, leave us alone, for the most part. They usually lower the tax rates that the democrats raise, remove regulation barriers and seem to respect the spirit of the US Constitution. I can't help though, sometimes to wonder if they planned it that way as a means to make themselves relevant.

I digress, it should not have to be a chore, for us to put our representatives on notice, letting them realize that they're here to do a job and there's enough competition around to replace them if their progress is unsatisfactory. Notice that I used the word representatives. I resent anyone usually those talking heads in the media, referring to these Nimrod politicians, as our leaders. Most of those corrupt ingrates couldn't lead themselves out of a paper bag, if they had to. In a free republic we have no leaders, save ourselves. It's time to stop treating them as such. Donald Trump was perched for a second term, there was no way that any candidate on the other side could have won. The economy was the greatest it was since World War II, unemployment was at three percent, we were energy independent food prices and prices for all other goods were cheap. Wages were high and the outlook of all Americans was positive. Little did we know that the democrats and their allies were at that very moment plotting and devising methods to render the vote of the electorate mute. Democrats have been on the losing end of the electoral system steadily, for decades now. In 2020 they only owned 5 state legislatures in the entire union. It's understandable that they would wish to circumvent the voting process. The election fraud was televised and we are not to believe our lying eyes, consciences or hunches. Biden and the democrats just miraculously won the presidential elections with a Biden who stated hidden in a basement somewhere while Trump rallies overflowed. They also just as miraculous, gained seats in the senate run off elections, that had to be ran because somehow they were too close to call. How convenient.

The minds that conceived and committed to such blatant treachery have no consciences of fear or foreboding. These operatives have no intent to let go their new found access to power. One will be hard pressed, to observe any democrat losing any election from now on. I'm sure they and their cheerleaders in academia and the press, will do their best to make it appear convincing. They wont care that we know that they're illegitimate, just as long as they have their perceived hold on power, they'll be satisfied. Plus, they'll find ways to deal with their detractors. What shall we do to combat them? Shall we run away and hide? Shall we surrender all opposition to this menace? It would be the easy thing to do but it would be foolish and it would rob us of the chance to watch them slip up and fall. We know that they are cheating, will cheat and they mean us harm. We must engage them on all fronts. The information war, the war to preserve our liberties and freedoms and the intelligence war. We must become even more smart than they think they are. They blindsided us and we may appear down but we're still in this race and we are engaging them in the cultural war and they're losing. They have no common sense, because there is nothing that we have in common any longer, if indeed, we ever did.

Trump is not a cult figure. He's not popular because his ideas are unique, he not popular because he's brave. He's popular because finally, for the first time in American politics, someone in American politics happened to agree with the over seventy-eight plus million of us. The too politic republicans were never able to accomplish this and they never wanted to. Donald Trump did it on his own. These people are my family. They like me believe in America, they believe in America first and the mere fact that Trump could rally so many people to still stick with him, throughout the media and political onslaught, from all sides is remarkable in and of itself. The fact that the democrats and their multiple allies in both high and low places, had to steal the election to win proves what enemy we're dealing with and how hot these battles and war will get. We are not going away.