We The Purveyors Of Disinformation, Reject All Calls For Covid-19 Amnesty.

After two years of abusive, government enforced, tyranny, censorship, banishment, job losses, bankruptcies and hosts of other infringements on our natural rights, by rouge, corrupt elements in media, academia, government, and private enterprises, the people, who were right all along, branded as liars, disinformation merchants, are expected to absolve, all the smart people, following their science, from their spree of tyranny.

They obviously, do not know us very well. In Canada, which is quickly becoming a dystopian version of itself, bank accounts were frozen, private properties were seized and people, including men of the cloth, were imprisoned. Oh no, there will be no amnesty, we want justice and revenge. We cannot appease these people who so willingly lauded their power and authority over the rest of us so they can walk free to try this sort of thing again. ZeroHedge, among other outlets, has an article, reminding us, just in case, some of us forgot, what these people are asking us to forgive and forget.