What About Sarah Huckabee Sanders?


Joe Rogan, like many people these days, in America and elsewhere in the world have selective memories. I'm referring to hearsay from video producer, channel, “Let's Be Frank's,” report, on a Joe Rogan statement about McEnany being the best press secretary in history. Kayleigh McEnany, was a brilliant, White House press secretary, but I always thought that Sarah Huckabee Sanders, set the standard and pace, in the competency race. I'm sure, that it would be easy for fickle minds, to discount Sarah Huckabee, since she's wasn't thin, blond nor considered, conventionally beautiful, to some, however, I would insist on doing searches on her press events at the White House, if they can be found, for a clearer more objective assessment. The White House Press conferences, conducted by her were, indeed, not to be missed. To be frank, the press secretaries, under the Trump administration, were some of the best ever. Image