What The Twitter Files Are Proving, Is That Our Conspiracy 'Theories' Were, In Fact, The Truth.

Yes, call it a collective gut instinct or more accurately, he who feels it knows it. We have eyes, ears, mouths and in this case fingers as proxies. We knew we were getting shadow banned, we knew that if indeed we were in such a serious pandemic, as the narrative told, the bodies would be piling up in our streets and buildings. We also knew that if the alleged disease was dangerous enough to escape, secure medical labs, that cloth and paper masks would be absolutely useless against it.

We also know people drunk with power when we see them. Not to mention how well some of us know democrat politicians and how eager they always are to exploit any opportunity to make political hay. Essentially, the Twitter files have corroborated and confirmed our worst fears and to some relief, lessened the perception of our descent into utter madness. Just because one may be paranoid, it doesn't preclude the notion that our enemies are all around us.