What War On The Food Supply?

Get ready for even higher egg prices as the planned, orchestrated, dismantling of our food security, continues. It never rains but it pours. It wasn't enough with all the nearly one hundred plus, “accidents” at meat processing plants and other food related factories all across the country. Now, the bird flu scare, which have been brewing, in some parts, since 2020, is coming into full service, in the now controlled chaos.

A perfect plan is coming together. High fuel prices, abandoned oil and gas pipelines, the banning of trucks, in agricultural producing California, strategic slowdowns, at US ports in democrat states, it's just business as usual, right? Whenever these “coincidences”, are pointed out as being suspicious, one is automatically branded, a racist, conspiracy theorist, disinformation monger, M.A.G.A. republican, hate speech liar.

These incidents, are occurring world wide, especially, in western nations. It would be easy to to point our fingers, towards our enemies, however, these acts of sabotage, are being perpetrated by our side. There are rouge government officials, seemingly on some sort of mission, setting plans in motion, for purposes and motivations, still unknown.