Why Do Some Content Providers On Video Platforms, Think That They Have To Read Articles, Verbatim?

Most of my channels, on the LBRY aplication, for LBRY, which is pronounced as library, are mainly, political commentary. Right leaning commentary, since I'm a right leaning kind of guy. There is no need to search hard for left wing, communist, socialist, ideologies. They are easily and readily within reach, everywhere. However, what I hate most about the style of some commentators, is their insistence in reading much of what they're presenting to their audience. It's one thing when a content provider reads much or a significant portion, of his or her presentation, but it's another thing when the presentation isn't even read, very well. Hell if they're going to read anything in the first place, just leave us a link to the material and we'll read the article for ourselves.

This doesn't happen too often, but whenever it does, I promptly cut the whole thing short and find another person, who doesn't need to read anything to the audience, because he, or she, hopefully, have already formulated an opinion on the topic of which is being presented and now have some funny, intelligent, witty, commentary, to share. I mean, are some of these content providers, in such a hurry to make videos that they're willing to forgo an honest reading and assessment, of the piece in question and formulating a concise, articulate, honest review?

I'll never make videos since, I am quite shy, self conscious, I don't like my voice and I don't think that I'm particularly, aesthetically pleasing. Plus, I think it takes a special kind of person who can make interesting audio and or video presentations, that are also funny, witty and perhaps, also informative. I also appreciate the anonymity of not being on camera too. However, if I were that type of person, like many of the people, whose channels I follow, I'd like to think that I would aspire to not read badly or at all, any content, to the audience, but instead deliver the thoughts and ideas desired, to my audience. Also, I wish, that if a presenter need to indeed, read, that they would, at least, read well and read actively.