Will The Real John Fetterman Please Stand Up?

The conspiracy theorists are about to be right again folks, bank on it. Many of us, the people who hate democrats and lefties, have been poking fun at the recent photos being showcased in the many media propaganda rags, claiming to be, those of John Fetterman. As usual, we were just having some innocent fun, however, the reaction of the supposedly, objective media outlets seem extremely curious. They have begun, a series of alleged fact checks and have begun resorting to the usual character assassinations, of anyone daring to realize that Fetterman may suddenly have, some body doubles.

Just do any search right now about John Fetterman and see the curious results that will start popping up. It's almost as if, someone, in some deep state circles, have something to hide. Say what one will about the alleged conspiracy theorists, but they always seem to get the stories correct. Just give them a couple of weeks before all the confessions are made.