Yeah, Why Not Trump?

I chose sides, when I realized that the democrats were on a mission to disarm me, while doing nothing about crime, except pontificate. I knew there were many republicans, who were only marginally different from the democrats but, there were a rare breed that actually revered the U.S. Constitution and seemed, to take their jobs seriously. Over time those numbers grew, somewhat and now, instead of fracturing the party, we're seeing a mass influx of populist, replacing the r.i.n.o.s, and it's an ongoing work in progress.

Obviously, the G.O.P., aren't going to give up with out a fight and more than a little dirty tricks and that's why we see them not reacting to all the lawlessness being employed by the Executive branch and the deep state bureaucrats. If the democrats were a minority in both chambers of congress, and any republican president made the overreaching efforts that many are witnessing today, they would have enough clout to drive it back, nip it in the bud and people at the F.B.I, the D.O.J and the White House, would be facing arrests. When republicans hare a majority anywhere and everywhere in the District of Columbia, they're merely in office, however, when the democrats have even the slights majority or minority, they're in power.

The silence we're witnessing from the G.O.P. leadership in the Congress and the R.N.C., is deliberate. The democrats aren't the only ones trying to derail the organic, populist movement, of which Trump is our current proxy, and if the democrats think that without Trump, we'll just fade away and assume collective fetal positions, then as we have already suspected, many moons ago, they do not know us at all. The people in the Columbia District of Washington, all live in a bubble where they're drunk with power and they're starting to believe their own press reports. The fact of the matter is this, the approval ratings of the congress, is in single digits and who knows what the real numbers are for the Biden Administration.

I hear all this talk from people, whom I thought knew better, talking about Trump is working for the Jews and other nonsense like that. So I'm assuming he wont be getting the votes of those people. So what are those people going to do, wait until every Jew leaves America and start voting then, or are they going to do what I suspect they'll do, vote for their fellow socialists, in the democrat party? When I hear crap like that, I really have to wonder which side they're on. They wont vote for Trump because he's supposedly a sycophantic Jew lover, so they'll stay home or go vote for some Jewish democrat instead. People that fucking stupid, need to side with the damn democrats.

Anyway, here's a fairly cogent reason to vote for Trump, if the democrats don't have him struck by lightning, accidentally. Luckily, no democrat in his right mind would read my posts, which is fine, since there are no pictures in this one. Image