Yes, I Still Love My Pine Phone.

It's been a while since I've written any updates on this site regarding the use of my Pine Phone which is nearly a year old now. Initially, my phone was running a KDE Plasma user interface and was powered by Manjaro Arm Linux. It was a very pretty interface but at the time I wasn't especially used to Manjaro Linux or Arch Linux for that matter and I decided to switch to the Mobian port which is based on Debian Linux, a distribution of which I am and was very familiar. Things have certainly changed in one year, since then. I recently migrated some of my servers to Arch Linux, and I was amazed at how much more stable it seemed, when compared to Debian. So I've really become competent using Arch Linux and it's derivatives now. That being the case, I decided to revisit Manjaro since at this very moment, I find the whole Mobian project transitioning lately and I've decided to use this time to see what the other Pine Phone operating systems have been getting up to. Manjaro is still nice although I prefer Phosh to KDE Plasma mainly because I notice that Plasma can be a little unstable sometimes. In time I'm sure Plasma will be great. I really loved using Manjaro, especially since now I actually knew how to use it as well as I use Debian. It was practically flawless. I soon discovered that Arch Linux also had a Pine Phone port and I just had to try it out. I really like the Arch port. The developers or developer, I don't have all the details yet but whomever, tries to under sell the OS and puts all limitations right up front on the table. When I installed Arch Linux on my Pine Phone I expected that things wouldn't work and that I'd soon be removing it. I was pleasantly surprised and loved how smoothly it worked and I've decided that this is the system I'll be using until, when I decide to use another. I still monitor the Mobian news and I'm taking notes but I like how the people on the Arch Linux Arm Pine Phone development team are. I think I fit in there better than in those other places. I'll just have to see how much things change, a year from now. I'll try to keep in touch. Writing on the Internet is slow business for me. I would have thought that I would have written more posts that just the paltry thirty three that I've written so far on this blog but it seems that I'm really taking my time about it.