Ebrius Disputatios

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

It's all starting to make sense now. This is why those two, fat, New York, niggers, Alvin Bragg and Letitia James, cant stop the murders, robberies, burglaries, rape and assaults in New York City, specifically. They were too busy preparing cases against Trump supporters. Payback is what we want then. We Pray for Steve and we hope that even under the circumstances, that he'll maintain high spirits.


See, I was kinda excited that a new NFL season was here, but now I'm back to apathy. One woke always go broke. Now the NFL is mighty rich, so going broke, for them, will be a process. If they keep pulling dumb stunts like this, It's going to be a shocker when they're standing in the soup line.
Video Here.


Five New Assault Weapons Ban Lawsuits Filed Yesterday 09-07-2022 Image

We accept, Kathy Griffin, Joe Biden, the deep state and all freedom's foe's, terms. When one is a loony lefty one can say anything one wants. We don't care, we don't believe any one of you. Indeed, Kathy Griffin, the freedom fighter. Image Image

Do your part to end climate change and stave off the inevitable climate disaster by buying and owning your own private jet. Isn't that what all the climate change warriors are doing? Like this one: John Kerry is Hopeful of China’s Return to Climate Change Talks In His Private Jet. Make no mistake, folks, this guy is flying all over the world, in his private jet, and no doubt the American sucker taxpayer is footing the bill. What a total scam. It's so well done that even seemingly, intelligent people are falling for it. Well done. Here's the official narrative.



First it was Kathy Griffin, now this article from the Saker blog, aptly named, “The Case for a New American Civil War.” These people are a little late to the party but, as the old cliche goes, better late that never. Well it must be coming soon, since the US Congress is spending money quicker that they can print it. So in closing, don't forget to keep your F-15s, well maintained. Pedo Stalin

Judge Give Hope To Tyrants Nationwide. This will eventually be appealed and overturned, but not before lifting the hopeful spirits of tyrannical democrats nationwide. To think that such a trap, as the January 6th, 2021, hoax, could be laid so innocently, should give M.A.G.A members an enlightening clue, of the type of treachery that we are up against.


Unfunny, Irrelevant Wannabe Funny Lass, Predicts Civil War Via Elections. Seriously, is Kathy Griffin gay? I mean Who would seriously want to bang this goof ball and who has already done so? Perhaps I should do a poll on the subject.

Fuck Kathy Griffin

Portrait of Nancy Pelosi

Nothing ever happens via coincidence. Everything in politics is calculated. However, no matter how calculated an operation is, the success or failure, therein, lies with the mind which conceives it. Here's the article, if one reads or cares.

1984 Redeux

Udderly Stupid.

This is fucking stupid. What are they afraid of? Let's eat, drink and be merry, for so very soon, we could have sudden destruction and then it won't matter how fucked up the climate allegedly is, since, either way, the collapse of civilization as we know it is inevitable. Irish Farmers Forced To Cull Cows

FBI Secretly Pressured Americans To Waive Their 2A Rights For Ever

Video Article: We don't care right? Screw our rights, the game is rigged and let's all just give up and surrender to our many enemies. That's how many a summer soldier and sunshine patriot have lost heart. Freedom is a worthy, lifelong ambition.
