Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

New gun ownership has been on the rise and rightly so, it is the right of every, law abiding citizen to arm himself/herself. The constitution does not limit the rights of the people, the constitution limits the rights of intrusive, tyrannical governments and democrats. New gun owners will become aware of which politicians on which side, are freedom lovers and which side possesses the tyrant wannabees. Please vote accordingly. Here is a snippet of the, Declaration of Independence, a document that Joe Brandon Biden would certainly oppose and every democrat politician today would betray those heroes then, as they're doing today. God bless the USA. When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. The Declaration of Independence Watch Video. Image

A Pedophile that takes showers with his prepubescent daughter, is a threat to “our democracy.” Why that just goes against the nature of a majority of Americans, which would make Pedo Stalin, an extremists, according to the White House definition of the word. Recent developments involving Ashley Biden, President Joe Biden’s daughter, suggest her personal diary, which was first reported by National File’s Patrick Howley, is legitimate. Also, Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe. Resentment for Joe? I would tell her to join the club but she probably started it. We all resent that moron.


The communist Joe Brandon, the democrats and the r.i.n.o.s, would have us all think that the party of the NRA, the party of the US Constitution, the party of guns and ammunition, attempted a giant coup, at the Capitol building, without their guns, without any strategy, to do what exactly, overthrow them with comedy? Yet the media, democrat politicians and the deep state bureaucrats, keep repeating the narrative perpetually.


According To Sources, Joe Brandon Biden aka Fuck Joe, Won't Be Able To Speak In Complete Sentences, Come 2024. Too bad, but oh, so sad. In case it has escaped anyone, the dude doesn't speak in complete sentences now. Perhaps, he has never been able to do so, his whole entire, political career. Astounding. The guy clearly used his soul for collateral. Anyway, this article speaks about who will replace Joe Bernie Brandon, when his handlers decide to reveal that he has achieved room temperature, and the team of losers that will potentially, replace him. They'll have to steal more elections. LGB!


I'll retire the Nazi memes. I do have a lot of other memes, from last night's speech, that associate the democrats and Biden with their other major religion, of Satanism. I should also note, that I regret insulting Nazis, by associating them with the democrat party and Joe Biden, it just didn't feel right emotionally nor intellectually.


More Prophetic Conspiracy Theories. This one's good, the lizard people are going to create a digital currency after they crash the economy. Then they get their wet dream plan to control the behavior of all us domestic terrorists. Sweet plan, if one just happens to be a psychopath. Of course, we have nothing to worry about, since all power hungry politicians, are all perfectly sane.


I hope they have this new movie, My Son Hunter, in hard copy too. Finally something good coming out of HollyWeird. Gina Carano is such a babe, I want to sniff her hair.


Breaking! The Taliban Are Acting Like The Godless Democrats In The US It's all about muh democracy. It only took them twenty years but I think the democrats and the neocons finally got those heathen Mohammedans to be like those faggy, tranny, dick loving democrats. Now if only, they'd just start eating bacon. Image

Pedodent Biden To 9-Year-Old: “Hey Baby” Those democrats like 'em young, don't they? Image

Never Trump R.I.N.O Lindsey Graham Tries To Set A Patriot Trap.

I never thought that I'd agree with a dirt bag democrat, but I must admit that I agree with democrat shit bird, Robert Gibbs. Also, Graham's words are only threats if Graham is the one that will be rioting. I'm pretty sure the conservative right is always the first to do things legally. It's the left who has been lawless for the last two plus years and counting. However, the democrats and their r.i.n.o, operatives, are so desperate, they'll set false flags for a frame up.