Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.


Joe Rogan, like many people these days, in America and elsewhere in the world have selective memories. I'm referring to hearsay from video producer, channel, “Let's Be Frank's,” report, on a Joe Rogan statement about McEnany being the best press secretary in history. Kayleigh McEnany, was a brilliant, White House press secretary, but I always thought that Sarah Huckabee Sanders, set the standard and pace, in the competency race. I'm sure, that it would be easy for fickle minds, to discount Sarah Huckabee, since she's wasn't thin, blond nor considered, conventionally beautiful, to some, however, I would insist on doing searches on her press events at the White House, if they can be found, for a clearer more objective assessment. The White House Press conferences, conducted by her were, indeed, not to be missed. To be frank, the press secretaries, under the Trump administration, were some of the best ever. Image


I don't want to start celebrating prematurely, however, the prognosis of relegating the species, known as the r.i.n.o, to oblivion and mythology, may be within reach. Sources report to us that things are looking up. The R.i.n.o.s have done much damage on the freedom front, let's look at their record just for this term, of the Biden regime. They have helped the democrats push all their spending bills, including the alleged infrastructure bill, in fact, the republicans in the senate approved much of the democrats incentives. Indeed, the senate republicans advanced the push to disarm lawful legal gun owners, by colluding with democrats and passing an unconstitutional measure, called “red flag laws,” which essentially, makes it possible, just by hearsay, for gun owners to be stripped of their weapons at gunpoint, presumably, without due process, by anonymous tips or otherwise fraudulent means.

Indeed, the republicans, in the senate mainly, only stopped short, only recently, and one assumes that this, saving grace was done, only because the mid term elections are perilously close and they must only be trying to gain some good will, and that's why they didn't sign the “gun grab bill, described as an “assault weapons bill,” and the inflate inflation bill. The politicians in the USA are exposed, with only a few exceptions, as phonies, frauds and suspects of many criminal acts, yet to be proven. I can't speak for every republican voter obviously, but I know that I don't trust any of them until they prove that I have cause to. As far as I'm concerned, most republicans are practicing, closeted democrats, until they prove otherwise. One assumes that they are indeed the controlled opposition, and until there are barriers on the nation's borders and not on our constitutional liberties, rights and freedom, then I'll continue to be under the assumption, that an enemy occupation, yet to be declared is ongoing.

Most of my channels, on the LBRY aplication, for LBRY, which is pronounced as library, are mainly, political commentary. Right leaning commentary, since I'm a right leaning kind of guy. There is no need to search hard for left wing, communist, socialist, ideologies. They are easily and readily within reach, everywhere. However, what I hate most about the style of some commentators, is their insistence in reading much of what they're presenting to their audience. It's one thing when a content provider reads much or a significant portion, of his or her presentation, but it's another thing when the presentation isn't even read, very well. Hell if they're going to read anything in the first place, just leave us a link to the material and we'll read the article for ourselves.

This doesn't happen too often, but whenever it does, I promptly cut the whole thing short and find another person, who doesn't need to read anything to the audience, because he, or she, hopefully, have already formulated an opinion on the topic of which is being presented and now have some funny, intelligent, witty, commentary, to share. I mean, are some of these content providers, in such a hurry to make videos that they're willing to forgo an honest reading and assessment, of the piece in question and formulating a concise, articulate, honest review?

I'll never make videos since, I am quite shy, self conscious, I don't like my voice and I don't think that I'm particularly, aesthetically pleasing. Plus, I think it takes a special kind of person who can make interesting audio and or video presentations, that are also funny, witty and perhaps, also informative. I also appreciate the anonymity of not being on camera too. However, if I were that type of person, like many of the people, whose channels I follow, I'd like to think that I would aspire to not read badly or at all, any content, to the audience, but instead deliver the thoughts and ideas desired, to my audience. Also, I wish, that if a presenter need to indeed, read, that they would, at least, read well and read actively.

I have a Rock64 made by the same company that makes my Pine Phone, Pine64, is the name of the company and their logo is a pine cone I believe. I bought the Rock64 because it had 4GB of RAM and cost only five dollars more than the latest Raspberry Pi at the time. Also, in those days, the Raspberry Pi's latest model was the Raspberry Pi 3B plus, and the device only boasted 1GB of RAM. The Rock64 seemed a decent kind of device, and it seemed that only one hacker predominated in all the different builds that I installed and tried. Ayufan, I think his name is. No matter what flavor of Linux that I installed and ran on the Rock64, that name would turn up. It turns out that he's a hell of a hacker and computer programmer in his own right. The Rock64 had very little support and one was lucky that anything at all was able to run on it.

Time went by and I enjoyed using my Rock64 even though it proved buggy at times, however, that can be expected, when devices are short on documentation and a large enough community that end up sharing ideas and hacks. I think that, after perhaps eighteen months later, the Raspberry Pi Foundation, introduced the Raspberry Pi 4B which had specifications ranging from 2GB RAM up to 8GB. I promptly bought myself a Raspberry Pi 4B, 8GB model and I was impressed at how far the little single board computer had advanced. With my new Pi on hand I quickly sidelined my Rock64 to lesser duties and it wasn't until quite recently, that I delegated it to being my new LibreELEC media server. A job which it seems to be good at.

Naturally both LibreELEC and the Rock64 are bleeding edge technologies, therefore, odd behavior is sometimes an often occurrence. However, that's to be expected in these cases. Theoretically, a 4GB, of RAM, with a 1.5GHz CPU is muscle enough to power any media center, which the Rock64 plainly does well, where the hiccups and buggy behavior comes in, I think, is mostly due to software that's, for now a little rough around the edges due to the many unknowns surrounding the hardware nature of the device. At least that's my opinion of things, anyway. I have been know to have wrong opinions at times, even when I'm blessed with plenty of information and intelligence. The reason I'm making an account of this is, I was using the stable version of the the latest incarnation of the LibELEC software and the package was so bug riddled that I sometimes joked with myself, in thought, wondering that, if this is indeed the stable version of things, what the hell must the unstable bits must be like. Well, I don't have to wonder any more. I got right fed up with the many unannounced reboots an erratic behavior and installed one of the nightly version builds. I made a back up of my previous copy, which include all my favorite settings and addons, which is a really good practice, unless one wishes to reinstall, reset and in some cases hunt down the names of all one's favorite channels and in my case I have nearly one hundred or more channels that I don't relish reentering, one at a time, until I'm all caught up.

So far, so good, knock on wood, everything seems a little smooth sailing right now and while it's still early in the game, I plan to monitor the situation. I've also saved the archive file containing this version, just in case it's any good and I want to keep it, in the event that I get foolish enough to try some other build and get a lemon, I can always replace it with my perceived, diamond in the rough.

It seems that I have found a flaw in our newly installed nightly version, this one freezes and restarts Kodi, whenever I want to play live streams. This is certainly a deal breaker here so I'll just have to reinstall the original, “stable” version and suck it up until either I can fix it in the code or the developers fix the new version.

Perhaps I should have titled this post, “RK3328, Rock64 SBC Hacking”, since I now wish to install the android port for this device and see if I, will appreciate using Android on a TV size screen instead. I wouldn't use the Google Store, of course, I prefer that open source and free software store called Fdroid and it's derivatives. I could still use LBRY, and PeerTube Too for that matter. There may even be an invidious App too. Although my live streaming opportunities my be impacted, unless there are apps available to mitigate that from happening. We'll see.

Well I tried some of the images listed as Android for the Rock64 and they took forever to boot up, well I shouldn't say that since none of them have booted up yet. Perhaps one day when I'm busy doing something else, then I'll just pop the SD card in and let the device sit there all day and perhaps it will boot up and show me a screen. There is a disclaimer, claiming to allow 3-5 minutes for boot up but I clearly waited for over 20 minutes and nothing happened. Perhaps, this is the very reason why I've never tried Android on any of these devices before. Well, that's not entirely accurate, I think I did set up Android on a Raspberri Pi once and there were many irregularities, which I did not record so I don't remember what behaviors exactly, turned me off, of installing Android, on Single Board computers.

Let's remember this the nest time they come for handouts. This Article was withdrawn from the UN's website and is being reprinted here typos and all:

The Benefits of World Hunger

About the author

George Kent

George Kent is a professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Hawaii. He works on human rights, international relations, peace, development and environmental issues, with a special focus on nutrition and children. He has written several books, the latest is Freedom from Want: The Human Right to Adequate Food.

We sometimes talk about hunger in the world as if it were a scourge that all of us want to see abolished, viewing it as comparable with the plague or aids. But that naïve view prevents us from coming to grips with what causes and sustains hunger. Hunger has great positive value to many people. Indeed, it is fundamental to the working of the world's economy. Hungry people are the most productive people, especially where there is a need for manual labour.

We in developed countries sometimes see poor people by the roadside holding up signs saying “Will Work for Food”. Actually, most people work for food. It is mainly because people need food to survive that they work so hard either in producing food for themselves in subsistence-level production, or by selling their services to others in exchange for money. How many of us would sell our services if it were not for the threat of hunger? More importantly, how many of us would sell our services so cheaply if it were not for the threat of hunger? When we sell our services cheaply, we enrich others, those who own the factories, the machines and the lands, and ultimately own the people who work for them. For those who depend on the availability of cheap labour, hunger is the foundation of their wealth.

The conventional thinking is that hunger is caused by low-paying jobs. For example, an article reports on “Brazil's ethanol slaves: 200,000 migrant sugar cutters who prop up renewable energy boom”. While it is true that hunger is caused by low-paying jobs, we need to understand that hunger at the same time causes low-paying jobs to be created. Who would have established massive biofuel production operations in Brazil if they did not know there were thousands of hungry people desperate enough to take the awful jobs they would offer? Who would build any sort of factory if they did not know that many people would be available to take the jobs at low-pay rates?

Much of the hunger literature talks about how it is important to assure that people are well fed so that they can be more productive. That is nonsense. No one works harder than hungry people. Yes, people who are well nourished have greater capacity for productive physical activity, but well-nourished people are far less willing to do that work.

The non-governmental organization Free the Slaves defines slaves as people who are not allowed to walk away from their jobs. It estimates that there are about 27 million slaves in the world, including those who are literally locked into workrooms and held as bonded labourers in South Asia. However, they do not include people who might be described as slaves to hunger, that is, those who are free to walk away from their jobs but have nothing better to go to. Maybe most people who work are slaves to hunger?

For those of us at the high end of the social ladder, ending hunger globally would be a disaster. If there were no hunger in the world, who would plow the fields? Who would harvest our vegetables? Who would work in the rendering plants? Who would clean our toilets? We would have to produce our own food and clean our own toilets. No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset.

It's probably not noticeable to normal people, the ones we call normies but here is a tale. Ever since Dinesh D'Souza released his latest film, “2000 Mules,” a political storm erupted around the world, with the District of Columbia, being ground zero. Since the release of “2000 Mules,” there have been a leak from the sanctum of the US Supreme Court, regarding rumors, of the demise of the democrat religion, of child sacrifice, being overturned, on a federal level in the United States, and being returned to the now fifty states, where the most likely belong. No one knows if the rumors are true, however, the do provide needed cover, to obfuscate the reality that, evidence has been presented, to show that the US elections of November 3, 2020, were indeed tampered with, illegally and that, exuberant fraudulent efforts transpired, in order to change the result of what could have been. I hesitate to say change history, for, indeed, history is being played out, even now at this petty pace. Therefore, at times history is too, what could have been, that which almost could have been. I digress. My point, may be even more strengthened, by the news of Elon Musk's attempted purchase of Twitter, his awakening to the evils of the democrat party, his red pill moment, if one will, the news of the democrat establishment, creating an unconstitutional, Ministry of Truth, and now even without the acknowledgement of the film, “2000 Mules,” or it's merits, in this, the third week since the film's release, now the deep state spy network have allowed news, a new disease, pandemic, fear scheme, that something called the “Monkey Pox,” is running lose, planet wide and we must, especially now, surrender our freedoms now, so that we can watch the helpless conmen of the bureaucracy, fail as usual, while taking our liberties hostage once more.

It has not been readily apparent to most, that all these dramatical incidents have only shown themselves, the moment the film “2000 Mules,” hit the proverbial shelves. However, how else can the willful avoidance of the film's existence be explained, by the corporate media in all spheres, save for the alternate right leaning? I'm sure, many would lend themselves to speculation, but I think that the very dismissal of the movie's existence by all the so called news outlets, is all the proof needed, to register, just what a nuclear bombshell, the revelation and impact of this work, to upend the narrative that there is fairness being cultivated in American elections, and all is fairness an life, where all the participants have the attitude of winning some and sometimes not. No, this has always been a dog eat dog, cannibal fest, where only winning matters and at any cost whether monetary or at the cost of the country's soul and electoral integrity. Perhaps, it has always been thus, but never have a more blatant display of desperation, made when suddenly, at this time in United States history, have there been evidence that the people in charge of counting and securing ballots and votes, are woefully inept to do so.

Yes my friends, we are to shut up and let our betters lead us over that cliff down yonder. I mean, the laws are selectively applied, this time on the grounds of ideology and politics. The democrats and the other communist, authoritarian tyrants in training, have been tracking the law abiding Americans, while, their criminal assets are protected and allowed to roam free committing acts of timed terror. They have the American people so well under surveillance, that, the only way that, they only way that they could perfect their spying on us, would be to have cameras in all our rooms in all our homes.

It would be easier to believe that, some foreign power is responsible for the sabotage and treachery that has been unleashed on America, however, the culprits are so brazen and confident, they gladly reveal who they are by their policies and trust that their accomplices with academia, media, entertainment and vast military assets will give them the necessary cover that they need. Local laws, State laws, International laws, and US Constitutional laws are all being blatantly ignored, or applied only when convenient for the transgressing party. Examples of this, is easily illustrated, when one ponders, just how many shootings by black and other colored people occur, that get ignored by the media, Washington DC, politicians, the democrats and other globalist of the Marxist persuasion. Happily for them, because it's hard for them to hide or contain their glee, finally, there has been a shooting that meet all their criteria, which will allow them to propose even more power grabs, virtue signalling and express their profound and true hatred for everything the perceive as being white and the opportunity to unleash their bile of anti whiteism.

In addition to their usual plays, to power grab freedoms, the tyrannical left, will pretend to passionately, value life and demand that guns be banned, confiscated, penalized with more laws and perhaps more money for the lawmen, that were demonized, not so long ago. Never mind that the crime, as are many others, occurred in gun grabbing New York State. A state that has the most stringent gun and ammunition laws, yet still can't face the fact that, like the corrupt politicians who contrive them, those laws are meaningless, wrong, useless in their purpose and only oppress the law abiding. Murder is illegal, having laws that further oppress the law abiding citizens and residents will hardly deter any criminal bent on committing acts of violence. Indeed, an argument could be made, that because of the asinine New York State gun laws, which are unconstitutional, acts of violence, by violence producers, are made even more attractive and possible, because these actors can easily accomplish their mission of mayhem, without any threat of retaliation, form the lawmen or any civilians, because it is very unlikely, that any measures of retaliation, will ever occur. In essence, the very politicians, as they are wont to do, have ensured that the residents of New York and other dimwitted democrat run state, at risk and in mortal danger.

If the democrats are going to destroy the world, they had better put a rush on. Eventually, we will weigh the costs of safeguarding our freedoms and our lives against our pending mortality of ourselves, our loved ones and our possessions. The elitist may make as many laws as they see fit, in the end, just as the criminals do, exclusively, we will refuse to obey or abide by them too. Until there are reasonable interpretations and implementations of our guaranteed rights and liberties, instead of the systematic confiscations and denials of free people to defend themselves, always, even in democrat run states such as New York, we will fight fire with fire until reasonable minds become actively concerned about life and liberty, sincerely.

We're In An Psychological War Zone & We Can't Afford To Lose.

How many mass shootings have occurred only last quarter alone? The mockingbird CIA run media and the politicians sure kept them quiet, since the perpetrators were all colored people, or people of color. Now, finally a mass shooting the tyrannical left can sink their collective teeth in. Finally they'll have the chance to release all that anti whiteism vitriol they've been saving up all year. The anti whiteism runs deep and we're not supposed to act as if we notice that such a phenomenon, even exists. Oh no, we're to become ashamed to be free to think and act. We freedom lovers must surrender our rights, especially when some crazy with a gun, decides that he or she wants to make the news on a particular night. We aren't going to cower, because these are the times when we must especially be vigilant in securing our first, second and all the rest of our natural, good given rights enshrined within the US Constitution.

Obviously, we can't expect democrats to understand this as, they're communists and freedom is a concept, in their minds, only reserved for them. Starting tomorrow, we'll be entertained by a media and political circus and not much else, since like all good communists the left has planned to starve us out, so there'll be no bread to go along with the aforementioned festivities. I wont bother to bore anyone with facts. The fact is, when I'm not preaching to myself, I'm preaching to the proverbial choir and we can already identify the stench. The truth is the normies and the indoctrinated are the only ones who still don't get it. I mean there are many millions of people in the USA alone who can never accept that the so called media has been making a sport of lying to them, since before day one.

It's just too hard for some people to think that people can be that evil and power hungry. They'll probably get it sooner or later. I sometimes wonder if it's even relevant. I so wonder, because I'm from the school of thought, that suggests that all life is vanity and utterly useless in the end. I also hope that I'm wrong too. After all, it seems that we all breakdown and inevitably die in the end. However, I hold out hope that this thing we call life is some kind of training ground. A place where, for some unknown reason, we've awaken in, only to acclimatize us to the wonderful journey that is, I pray is rife with freedom, adventure with unlimited learning learning potential as well. We all get to find out, relatively soon, anyway. So that's definitely something to look forward to.

I'm so feeling the love here, how about y'all?

Now since the media finally found a shooting this year, that is causing them some outrage, I just thought I'd show just how afraid I am of tyranny, before I go to bed. Good night, good morrow, whatever the case may be freedom lovers. The kingdom of the Lord is at hand.

We know what to expect. Lot's of political theater, with lots of bad acting from many bad actors. They'll be trying to shut us up, shut us down and get us to surrender our freedoms. Nuts. Good luck with that, we outnumber them and we're a force. Always remember that.

New York Governor Wants First & Second Amendments Outlawed After Ignoring All The Other Mass Shootings Done By Black People All This Quarter.

Did anyone get shot in Chicago this weekend? This guy was a left wing loony. Hey, look, if you're black and you do a few mass shootings, just this quarter alone, it's ignored because it doesn't match the anti whiteism, white people, agenda. If any of the previous mass shootings by other people, other than whites, are even noticed and or mentioned by the CIA, mockingbird, media they'll say it's an isolated incident. Clearly, the the first and second Amendment must be outlawed for Americans to have more freedom. I wasn't aware New York Residents were allowed to have so called assault weapons. I mean, If New York politicians couldn't do it with their bans, what's the federal government going to do. We're going to dismantle the federal government soon.

What a coincidence, how these distractions always happen when there's bad news for democrats