Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

I had a nice shiny graphic of this development, however as luck would have it, the site is temporarily down, today May 14, 2022, for maintenance. However, check it out later. I do have a sweet, gloating video from the “new” agency, that's a little better than Al Jazeera, CNN and MSNBC, the banned network, RT. Since I've been banned for my expression too, I'm strangely sympathetic, to the RT network, all of a sudden. Strange bedfellows, indeed. Anyway, the video can be found here. The democrats are so lame, even former soviet communists, expose their mediocrity, incompetence and utter uselessness.

While I'm not discounting the pain being felt in Sri Lanka, the videos that I've seen, seem very rowdy and there was an inordinate amount of waste of both private and public property. They're also having an energy crisis as well, with higher prices for both propane and auto fuels. Those “hungry” protesters sure had a lot of calories to burn. I think they must have decided to use that energy, before they lose it. Nothing is as it seems, I'm sure their democrats are the ones edging it on. Why do I say that? Who else loves to loot, burn property and waste resources? You guessed it.

video 1 video 2

Lefties are frigging morons and they're not even funny while they're doing it, except when they're screaming at the loss of Hillary to Trump, or crying on TikTok, because they can't legally groom the cute little six year old they have a crush on. However, going back to their insanity roots, here's a useless story by some moron, I know that guy's on Gab are going to have fun with. One wonders, did someone actually pay this clown to write this drivel? At least, I have the decency to write my moronic rants, for free and exclusively on platforms where no one bothers to read my shit. This, is true freedom. Free speech is having the right to say what the fuck I want and having everybody else, not having to hear or listen to it.

Poop pants Joe Biden, his handlers, and a majority of congress, the entire Uni party, are easing us right into World War 3, but at least they have the politeness to do it in the swamp lands of the District of Columbia. They're being cheered on on Twitter by moronic, senile, neocons, I'm looking at you Mark Levin, every so called press outlet, and the entire democrat party. Trump may have almost started some imaginary nuclear war on a virtual platform, according to the lunatic Jon Schwarz, but we're all here now, with front row seats, some of us with popcorn and bourbon, watching the United States with Nero at the helm, sailing into a full grown mushroom cloud and radioactive sea. That'll show that MAGA King Trump, his Ultra MAGA fuckers and you too Elon.

Fat boy Chunky Uygur, when he's not enjoying pork sandwiches with sides of bacon during Ramadan, has a serious bromance brewing for Joe Rogan. It must be lonely in the land of the young Turks. It's alleged that their YouTube channel boasts around five million subscribers, yet they can hardly muster up one thousand viewers for their live stream events. One can only speculate as to why this is. Meanwhile, Joe Rogan, actually has an audience full of real people and he just survived a media jihad that spanned Hollywood to swamp land DC.

I thought leftist like Chunk loved Peter puffers and their cousins. Funny how that works. It almost seems as if he's spreading the love by calling Joe a Tranny lover. Never mind, it's never logic with these people, it's just psychotic, mindless, emotional turmoil, with a tinge of green, for jealousy.

So says John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, sadly, we already know. Hey, the deep state swamp people don't listen to us. They're our elitist overlords. Clearly the Uni Party is all in on this one and we'll just have to let this play out. I'm sure they're going to bring it. I just hope they don't think we'll be hiding under the bed in the fetal position. We do what we want. If criminals can run carefree thumbing their noses at the law, then clearly it's fine for everyone. My motto is: A thing isn't wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal, because it's wrong.

I'm sure this nothing burger of a story, is an effort to make Musk and Tesla look bad on the public square. It didn't work over here but the day's just started. It's funny how we're supposed to ignore that this car wasn't driving itself. If indeed, the car did have a driver, what's his or her defense? The car made me do it? Elon hacked my Tesla?

This never gets old for me but my, how well those sanctions, inflation, and wasteful spending are working. Let's give give the democrats a lifelong dictatorship, we wont have to worry about the alleged over population or mythical climate change. In under a decade, with the democrats and lefties in charge, we'll be ushering to the stone age. Now that's organic.

Remember when Elon Musk ridiculed Bill Gates with the pregnant man emoji? Forgot it already? Say what we will, about Bill, but the guy never misses an opportunity. Just in time to match his shiny new tits, Bill Gates is advocating the production, sale and use of lab made meat and lab made milk, or perhaps in Bill's case, man made milk may be more appropriate. This just put a new spin on human milk. Don't mind me, I'm just an ultra MAGA conspiracy nut.

The Russian Rouble is creeping up on both the Dollar and the Euro as well. Many Foreign exchange and converter apps need some catching up to do but here's what the Rouble is looking like. Didn't that ship already sail? No? Fuck Joe Biden has a time machine? The same lunatics that thought The Great MAGA King and Ultra MAGA are insults just don't have a fucking clue. $40 billion dollars is going to help with trying to steal some midterm elections though.

Those sanctions are working great!

I was a Debian Linux Man, for many a decade or two. That's why I thought running Mobian Linux on my Phone would be ideal. It was not. There seems to be much disarray in the community Mobian and I departed ways. The community Manjaro, based on, if not identical to the ManjaroArm developers, are a stable lot and I find their distribution to be quite well. However, Manjaro reminds me so much of Arch Linux, that I had to find out if there was an Arch Linux port for the Pine Phone. There was, and happily, stil is. I've been hanging around this group, they all seem to be interconnected with the Pine64 community of projects. Many of the same names can be found in all the other Pine Phone development exchanges, but before I continue, I've found myself drawn to, and using the Arch Linux port or OS for the Pine Phone. The community seems friendly and helpful enough. More so than any others and they're very competent and humble to boot. I was welcomed warmly at first, but lately, I've sensed a bit of cooling. I can't imagine what it is, except that I am who I am and my politics are well known, since I use the moniker of agentcasey all over the internet, and it's no secret that I hate socialist and communist and would gladly see the back of them forever. That's all I can come up with.

Nevertheless, the Arch Linux mobile community is still one of my favorite haunts for learning more. I mostly, like to learn where the kernel repositories are so that, in my experiments and use, I have the modules and functions built in to the kernel for my specifications. I have that now. In searching more I now have ways of compiling almost, perfect kernels, identical, in every way to the distribution's, with only my slight modifications.

One of my pet peeves, with the ARM developers, is that they seem to be oblivious of the usage of gpm the console mouse daemon that allows for the use of one's mouse in the virtual terminals, the world with out xorg or X Window or whatever it's called today. GPM allows for copy and pasting withing the terminal space and obviously is an asset in the absence of X. I don't know why so many Linux kernels built for ARM boards are lacking the function. It's a simple enough measure to enable legacy mouse and that's that. Anyway, I'm usually forced to recompile kernels for this purpose and it isn't always easy when I don't have the specific repository, from whence a particular kernel is sprung. I'm sure it's my own ineptitude, but whenever I get a kernel with the similar numbers and compile my modules, even when I have success, I encounter error messages about unknown symbols and such. Long story short I no longer have those instances, with my Pine Phones or my Raspberry Pi's running Arm. Now, I run the latest stable kernels and if I choose, the latest Release Candidate, RC, kernels. Sweet.

I hear a lot of chatter, which means I really read a lot of, for lack of a better word, chatter, mostly minutia, from myriad users about why they're not using their Pine Phone as their daily driver. My phone works just fine, I always find new ways to improve it and I realize that this particular phone is still a work in progress and that the user's manual, is still being written. My keyboard works, There's talk about not attaching devices to the USB-C port of the phone but I discount these observations. You see, once the phone is attached to the keyboard there becomes two USB-C ports. One on the phone and another on the keyboard. I still need to hook my phone up to the hub so that I can use the Ethernet connection so I connect the ensemble as usual, through the original port of the phone. It doesn't work if it's plugged into the keyboard anyway. Now at first there are error messages about the charger or something or other, but I find that once I disconnect the hub cable and reattach it and hit the keys on the keyboard a couple of times everything gets normal. Perfectly normal for a development device. My battery stays charge up for as long as the connection lasts. I'm fine, and so is my hardware. For the life of me, I still don't know what all the fuss is about.

Anyhow, thanks for reading, I'll be copying and formatting this very same post for my Gemini and Gopher servers. Thanks again and I'll endeavor to create more content and hopefully some interesting ones. Adieu.