Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

I have been very lazy. Well not really. I've been spending my time writing on Gab, casting my pearls at swine, I think. I should be spending my time here right? In mi own space. Whomever planned the Canadian protest, the most civilized revolt in human history must be an angel or an artificial intelligence. For surely, human intelligence can not be that far advanced.

The proponents of the Canadian revolution are very artful, thoughtful, creatures, who are craftsmen at reading and molding human nature. They have made hidden creatures, politicians, reveal their true skins by sheer force of wills, courage, patience, wisdom and artful knowledge. How else could one explain the playful creation used to force the Canadian parlament and Justine Trudeau to show their utter nakedness to the world and to Canada, who seems shocked the most. Imagine voting for parasites bent on keeping one enslaved and the moment one awakens from drug infused sleep, to be beaten and contained into submission only to be fed upon more.

The unsuspecting, friendly nation of Canada, the source of world ending, Armageddon underpinnings, the once most trusted nation on earth, to outer worldly dystopia.

It's been a while since I've written any updates on this site regarding the use of my Pine Phone which is nearly a year old now. Initially, my phone was running a KDE Plasma user interface and was powered by Manjaro Arm Linux. It was a very pretty interface but at the time I wasn't especially used to Manjaro Linux or Arch Linux for that matter and I decided to switch to the Mobian port which is based on Debian Linux, a distribution of which I am and was very familiar. Things have certainly changed in one year, since then. I recently migrated some of my servers to Arch Linux, and I was amazed at how much more stable it seemed, when compared to Debian. So I've really become competent using Arch Linux and it's derivatives now. That being the case, I decided to revisit Manjaro since at this very moment, I find the whole Mobian project transitioning lately and I've decided to use this time to see what the other Pine Phone operating systems have been getting up to. Manjaro is still nice although I prefer Phosh to KDE Plasma mainly because I notice that Plasma can be a little unstable sometimes. In time I'm sure Plasma will be great. I really loved using Manjaro, especially since now I actually knew how to use it as well as I use Debian. It was practically flawless. I soon discovered that Arch Linux also had a Pine Phone port and I just had to try it out. I really like the Arch port. The developers or developer, I don't have all the details yet but whomever, tries to under sell the OS and puts all limitations right up front on the table. When I installed Arch Linux on my Pine Phone I expected that things wouldn't work and that I'd soon be removing it. I was pleasantly surprised and loved how smoothly it worked and I've decided that this is the system I'll be using until, when I decide to use another. I still monitor the Mobian news and I'm taking notes but I like how the people on the Arch Linux Arm Pine Phone development team are. I think I fit in there better than in those other places. I'll just have to see how much things change, a year from now. I'll try to keep in touch. Writing on the Internet is slow business for me. I would have thought that I would have written more posts that just the paltry thirty three that I've written so far on this blog but it seems that I'm really taking my time about it.

Initially this script was for my SOC that didn't have cool tools like vcgencmd. Usually non Raspian/Raspberry Pi Oses. It's worked for me on many types of devices and it is dependent on the program bc, which is a basic calculator program found on UNIX like systems, including Linux. The program bc is also a language too, I believe. This script gives the temperature of the cpu and, I think may give an all around sense of what the temperature in your box is.

Okay here's the script, feel free to improve upon it if needs be:


#For the uninitiated, this is a comment

#cpuTemp0=$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp) #cpuTemp1=$(($cpuTemp0/1000)) #cpuTemp2=$(($cpuTemp0/100)) #cpuTempM=$(($cpuTemp2 % $cpuTemp1))

#$gpuTemp0=$(/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp) #gpuTemp0=${gpuTemp0//\'/º} #gpuTemp0=${gpuTemp0//temp=/}

#echo CPU Temp: $cpuTemp1”.“$cpuTempM”ºC” #echo GPU Temp: $gpuTemp0

milcel=$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp)

echo “CPU Temperature:” echo ctemp=$(echo “scale=3;$milcel/1000” | bc) echo $ctemp “°C” echo ftemp=$(echo “scale=3;(($milcel/1000)*(9/5))+32” | bc) echo $ftemp “°F” echo

Yea, first time for me too, now I know I'll never be the same. First I'd like to apologize to the honorable Lauren Boebert, if what I say now, offends. However, I must confess, that it's not her stunning beauty, nor her sharp effervescent wit that has given me a week long boner. Although, they more than qualify. Nay, it is her bold fortitude, stunning passion, clear, sweet voice, that inspires me to everlasting hope, for the spirit of this solid nation and erections everlasting, in praise to this solitary act of defiance. https://tinyurl.com/ektbhrdw

This is what winning looks like. or try this one Winning looks like this too.

In a grovelling attempt to curry favor to big government, big tech white elephant, Google and it's subsidiary, WokeTube have decided to hide the derision, disrespect, distaste and negative perception of democrats in general and the White House democrats, in particular by, under the pretense of “helping”, small channels from being, put under “dislike attacks.” How thoughtful of them I'm sure the White House will be utterly grateful. I'm sure not knowing how much we hate them will fix everything and make us instantly, or eventually, fall hopelessly in devotion to their anti American policies. Yes. It's akin to little babies, when playing, thinking that just because they're closing their eyes, no one can see them and that they suddenly become invisible in doing so. Yea, Biden has a lot in common with babies, not much, but enough similarities come to mind.

Most of my content providers, have moved on, away from WokeTube, leaving the latter scheduled, for metamorphosis into Myspace and the other, now defunct, useless, tech crazes. Most content providers that are still in that ghetto, are steadily attracting audiences that will soon join them in a spectacular rapture to the lands of reason, higher IQ, comedy, wit, wisdom and knowledge. Places like Odysee, Rumble, Bitchute, Brighteon and a host of more relevant, freedom loving platforms. I've already started dismantling any semblance of Google that I ever subscribed to. I've already murdered Fakebook, WokeFlix, Disney & derivatives, Twatter for Twits and many more. I'm sure I'm no trend setter in this regard. It's the great exodus, destined to create a barren ruin of tech Egypt.

In August 2021, when the RINO gang enabled Joe Biden's monstrous, alleged infrastructure bill they made it known to all of us, paying attention, that Washington, establishment politicians are a club unto and for themselves and that their main purpose is to govern against the will of the American people. I made a list of the Senators who supported that bill and it seems that we can continue to count on these foes to march in lockstep with the democrats and to further prove, that what exists in Washington, D.C., is indeed, a uniparty of tyranny and their enablers. It's obvious that these politicians don't need our help to be in power so we should oblige them and make sure that they get none. Here is my new list of traitors to watch and ruin forever because ruin is what they have in store for us.

Notice any patterns? I think that I do. I notice that those senators have a proclivity to side with democrats often and consistently. Also, I see that republicans in safe seats in Alaska, who could vote either way, siding with the democrats and Biden. That's unforgivable. I also see that republicans from the North East can never be trusted and are just really opportunistic democrats. Let me know what other patterns you see. Be sure to post them on Mastodon, XMPP and on your blogs and Gemini capsules. Remember to make your own lists, write them down, type them up, post them wherever your voices are being heard. That way you become intimately familiar with the names and habits of the enemy within. I've written these names down in databases, spreadsheets, blogs and word-processors, so many times that I now instinctively know which states these people are from. I'm going to start listening to them on CSPAN as well, so that I may become familiar with their techniques to lie.

So there we are then keep focusing on our representatives that insist on going against our will and are only concerned with enriching themselves. We had a republic lets see if we can keep it, or if we should help tear this one down for rebuilding.

In The Senate:

  • Roy Blunt MO
  • Richard Burr NC
  • Shelley Moore Capito WV
  • Mike Carpo ID
  • Bill Cassidy LA
  • Susan Collins ME
  • John Cornyn TX
  • Kevin Cramer ND
  • Mike Crapo ID
  • Deb Fischer NE
  • Lindsey Graham SC
  • Chuck Grassley IA
  • John Hoeven ND
  • Mitch McConnel KY
  • Lisa Murkowski AK

In The House Of Representatives:

  • Don Bacon NE
  • Brian Fitzpatrick PA
  • Andrew Garbarino NY
  • Anthony Gonzalez OH
  • John Katko NY
  • Adam Kinzinger IL
  • Nicole Malliotkis NY
  • David McKinley WV
  • Tom Reed NY
  • Chris Smith NJ
  • Fred Upton MI
  • Jeff Van Drew NJ
  • Don Young AK

From foisting legalized baby killings into our society, allowing the deluge of illegal aliens to flout our laws, without paying any penalties, a budding two tiered legal system, Obama-Care, vaccine mandates, disregard of the first, second and fourth amendments to the constitution, plus a host of other reasons that I sure I've overlooked and or forgotten for the moment, convinces me that I may be correct into thinking that a government for the people, by the people, accountable to the people, may have been hijacked or we have willingly surrendered our right to self government. Why free people, would willingly give away their power to power hungry phonies is beyond me. Think about it, when have the government, any government done anything helpful or good that have made your life any better? I can't think of anything. In the US, the democrats make it a point of duty to insert themselves into every faucet of our lives, the republicans, at least on the surface, leave us alone, for the most part. They usually lower the tax rates that the democrats raise, remove regulation barriers and seem to respect the spirit of the US Constitution. I can't help though, sometimes to wonder if they planned it that way as a means to make themselves relevant.

I digress, it should not have to be a chore, for us to put our representatives on notice, letting them realize that they're here to do a job and there's enough competition around to replace them if their progress is unsatisfactory. Notice that I used the word representatives. I resent anyone usually those talking heads in the media, referring to these Nimrod politicians, as our leaders. Most of those corrupt ingrates couldn't lead themselves out of a paper bag, if they had to. In a free republic we have no leaders, save ourselves. It's time to stop treating them as such. Donald Trump was perched for a second term, there was no way that any candidate on the other side could have won. The economy was the greatest it was since World War II, unemployment was at three percent, we were energy independent food prices and prices for all other goods were cheap. Wages were high and the outlook of all Americans was positive. Little did we know that the democrats and their allies were at that very moment plotting and devising methods to render the vote of the electorate mute. Democrats have been on the losing end of the electoral system steadily, for decades now. In 2020 they only owned 5 state legislatures in the entire union. It's understandable that they would wish to circumvent the voting process. The election fraud was televised and we are not to believe our lying eyes, consciences or hunches. Biden and the democrats just miraculously won the presidential elections with a Biden who stated hidden in a basement somewhere while Trump rallies overflowed. They also just as miraculous, gained seats in the senate run off elections, that had to be ran because somehow they were too close to call. How convenient.

The minds that conceived and committed to such blatant treachery have no consciences of fear or foreboding. These operatives have no intent to let go their new found access to power. One will be hard pressed, to observe any democrat losing any election from now on. I'm sure they and their cheerleaders in academia and the press, will do their best to make it appear convincing. They wont care that we know that they're illegitimate, just as long as they have their perceived hold on power, they'll be satisfied. Plus, they'll find ways to deal with their detractors. What shall we do to combat them? Shall we run away and hide? Shall we surrender all opposition to this menace? It would be the easy thing to do but it would be foolish and it would rob us of the chance to watch them slip up and fall. We know that they are cheating, will cheat and they mean us harm. We must engage them on all fronts. The information war, the war to preserve our liberties and freedoms and the intelligence war. We must become even more smart than they think they are. They blindsided us and we may appear down but we're still in this race and we are engaging them in the cultural war and they're losing. They have no common sense, because there is nothing that we have in common any longer, if indeed, we ever did.

Trump is not a cult figure. He's not popular because his ideas are unique, he not popular because he's brave. He's popular because finally, for the first time in American politics, someone in American politics happened to agree with the over seventy-eight plus million of us. The too politic republicans were never able to accomplish this and they never wanted to. Donald Trump did it on his own. These people are my family. They like me believe in America, they believe in America first and the mere fact that Trump could rally so many people to still stick with him, throughout the media and political onslaught, from all sides is remarkable in and of itself. The fact that the democrats and their multiple allies in both high and low places, had to steal the election to win proves what enemy we're dealing with and how hot these battles and war will get. We are not going away.

Colleen Long, is another lying whore, allegedly, acting as a journalist. you can read her tale of how the chant, “Let's go Brandon.”, started and do not miss the irony, as she too pretends not to know what the crowd at Talladega, were shouting. Normally I wouldn't link to the sad AP, but this time it's for fun. Here is the alleged whore's post and here is a more fun article.
Coleen Long Clong

Has anyone else noticed that the names Hillary Clinton and Alexandria Cortez are never mentioned in a same breath much less the same sentence by anyone in the media? Isn't that strange? Could there be a link between these two, or three? Remember Huma Abedin? What ever happened to her? It's as if she was swallowed up by a small quantum worm hole. One can only speculate. That's AOC on the left and Huma on the right. It looks like someone has a type. What are your thoughts? Doesn't it seem odd that in all the puff pieces done by the fawning tyrannical loving media about AOC and Hillary Clinton, that none of them ever seem to overlap? No comparisons to the two? Weird, right?

What a remarkable resemblance.

What a remarkable resemblance.

According to rt.com/news, China is either running a long con game or is convinced that no one in Washington, indeed, the United States is listening or cares to. According to the sources, including a tweet from someone calling himself Hu Xijin China thinks that the nuclear brinksmanship is a fool's errand, all in vain. He's sure that as long as Washington keeps finding ways to protect herself from enemies the nuclear arms race will continue. Essentially Hu was commenting, via twitter, to the rest of the world, to an opinion piece by Laura Grego, a fellow at the MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Security and Policy, decrying the futility of the US developing missile defense technologies, because, presumably, the more capable such systems get the more energies will be spent to defeat them. So I'm assuming then that she would have us do nothing to further our defense.

It's not a new argument from people such as Laura Grego, whom I'm assuming is a an agent of the raging communist left that has been flourishing for generations under our noses and are safe now to reveal themselves. The Communists regimes themselves have warned the same. Iron sharpens iron. If the Chinese have indeed, developed hyper sonic missiles capable of defeating any defenses then that is a challenge well worth any effort to match, surpass and subdue. Doing nothing will only give our enemies time to perfect their craft towards world domination and world slavery. Doing the opposite will make them spend their much needed energy and money, with their heightened fear in tow.

It is clear to one that, the Chinese, the Russians and the rest of the evil cabal who hate us, including the ones at home, have their strategies to defeat us. We're already at war with them here, right now. They have infiltrated our governments, our courts, our schools, places of so called, higher learning and after November 3rd, 2020, it seems they have found their holy grail. Our elections have become meaningless and an enemy, tyrannical regime can be foisted upon us at will. Should we quit the fight here as well or should we continue these battles, this war to the bitter conclusion? I say we fight and I'm not alone.

The mere fact that they wish us to capitulate is evidence enough that they are afraid and wish to distract us. We'll have to ensure that our votes mean something or we'll be in a hot civil war in no time flat. Which would probably be good for our enemies. However, I think it's necessary for us as well. We have to confront and defeat the enemy in our midst. There is no common ground, no common sense, no common culture because while they may look and sound like us, we have nothing else in common with them. Freedoms, individual liberties, pursuance of happiness and the right to be left alone, are all alien to them. In the effort to have a bloated government controlling their political enemies, they risk becoming ensnared in the same pit. They are of little consequence now for now we fight for our freedoms and our future. Our only fear, should be not succeeding.