Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

In a move that is sure to make all men realize the essence of freedom and liberty, the French government have seen it fit to allow all law enforcement and presumably intelligence agencies to spy on anyone with a mobile device. Coming to a dystopian nation, perhaps even yours, very, very soon. Wave to Big Brother, will you?

I thought that free societies abhorred such totalitarian tactics. It is evident that the western societies are in no way, any different from the so called authoritarian regimes. Again, they demonstrate much talk but little will or action. Democracy is bad enough, two wolves one sheep, consulting on what or whom will be dinner. However, democracy or indeed, freedom is not the endgame here, it is all about total, absolute control via brute force.

One is quite sure that the democrats and their supporters are saying so. Now if they could only get their mouth pieces in the media to concur and confirm, then we may have another Trump indictment on our hands. I'm constantly being told by obvious independent voters, on just how bad the democrats are, but that the republicans are so much more worse. This must be an example of the case.

One can hardly imagine how deafening the silence would have been, if illegal substances were indeed, found, in a Trump White House. As a matter of fact, it would probably be equally non newsworthy, if any republican president was in residence. There is no two tiered justice or news reporting in these matters and I'm just so ashamed of myself, for being such an ultimate conspiracy monger.

China didn't release the Covid-19 hoax virus or the Covid-19 virus hoax, unto the populous, no, that was the deep state operatives, in association with the democrats and the entrenched robber barons, doing double duty, as politicians of both parties, but especially, the corrupt democrat communists.

The DC deep state, politicians and their bureaucrats are much more our enemies than any foreign entities. They wish to distract our attention away from them by flashing the Chinese, Russians or the enemy of the day. Their magic spells and charms are waning and failing.

WEF: Governments Can Program Digital Currency To Prohibit “Less Desirable” Purchases, Add Expiry DatesIt's all about control.

The same people that can barely control their emotions, wish to control cities, counties and countries. Good luck.

Yes this guy looks so White, it must be that hot West Texas sun. I for one, am on my way, to turn in all my guns. According to one outlet, is being sued by Mexican families of the victims and once that concludes, the National Council of White Supremes, will be next on the list.

The entire globalist political establishment are conspiring to shut up truth tellers, any and all dissenting opinions, including narratives that expose their true agenda and motivations. All for our own good of course.

Don't believe me? Read it on their own platform, before they hurriedly, delete it.

Well they voted on banning, or regulating, or something, with our gas stoves in congress this morning, June 06, 2023, here's the link to one article.

Also this Mark Dice video, also broaches the subject and proves illuminating on several levels.