Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

Deep state creatures are liars and criminals. We who didn't vote for the democrats, or the republicans in name only, told everyone, including Biden, that he was a gun grabber and they called us, the lying ones. Look at who is grabbing at guns now. Now, ultimately, the tyrants will lose they'll be the ones to slip and they will make their faulty moves. They're arrogant and they think that we will lose.

We know that they're desperate, they're using news of mass shootings as their pretext to disarm us from our constitutional rights. The same constitution which gives them legitimacy. If the constitution is wrong for us, then it will be wrong for them as well and they will no longer have any power to regulate us. As stated, they're conveniently using so called mass shootings, which ironically, only seem to benefit their aims, to persuade the masses, to surrender their rights. It seems almost suspicious in a way, as if members of the deep state, may indeed, be behind these now frequent mass shootings in public places and in schools.

These shootings were unheard of, until the Clinton administration joined forces with Chuck Schumer, then congressman from Brooklyn, New York, started coming after law abiding gun owners and their freedoms, enacting their unconstitutional, Brady Bill, the cure all for so called gun violence. There was a time when rifle marksmanship classes were taught in American High Schools, and indeed, in some states, those classes are still being taught so the so called problem with gun ownership in the United States, isn't the fault of law abiding gun owners.

The democrats running large US cities have declined, enforcing the law and are using the increase in crime to their advantage to further highlight guns as the problem. There are accounts that crates of guns are being found in neighborhoods in cities, like Chicago, to encourage the statistical rise in crime and gun violence, particularly. One may be skeptical and cynical, but these coincidences, seem highly contrived, calculated and orchestrated.

With trillion dollar debt, the US alone amassing a whopping thirty-two million plus dollars worth, one would assume, that there are ample supplies of war making, civilian killing, weapons of war, to quell all those MAGA, Brexit, populous types that are now in the crosshair of the political class of the western nations.

These people aren't our friends, they certainly aren't working for us either. In all the capitals of the west, the political class are preparing, measures to cull hundreds of thousands of cattle, millions of poultry, and metric tons of produce all for our own good, of course, while they simultaneously, encourage, mass migratory, invaders, with millions more mouths to feed to enter effortlessly, into our shores, borders and ports. The story is also at ZeroHedgeNews

Liberal US Cities Top Global List For Highest Homelessness Problem.

Not to mention the jobless, unemployment, problem, coupled with the lawless, crime, problem to boot. However, that's what we are to believe, that the residents of these places voted for. Let's see if the trend continues for much longer. If it does, we'll gain needed insight on how to remedy these ills.

It is sure, starting to look that way isn't it? How quickly they all catch the plague. Just one real, staged school shooting, perhaps, even orchestrated by the Serbian deep state, in anticipation of, NATO and Kosovo treachery, have, seemingly, allowed for the disarmament of law abiding citizens at a time when war is on the horizon.

It may be an indicator, that the Belgrade government, may not be as strong as they're acting and perhaps, they're so weak, that they're willing to betray their own people, at home, including in Kosovo. We should watch the events there to see if any of this rings true.

The Bankruptcy Caravan Is Now Arriving: Time To Pay For The Easy Money.

It must be a planned implosion of our economy and prosperity, unless they're even dumber than we give them credit for. With debt in the trillions, no doubt the interest payments will be all the spending, that the deep state can afford.

Even if they turn us all into slaves and tax us 100 per cent, the only way the debt can be payed will be for the dollar to continue to inflate and it's value, diminish. The reign of the establishment, is coming to an end. They know that they have but a little time. However, what they don't yet realize, is that they too will lose all they hold dear.

I liked Tucker, especially since so many people I don't listen to, nor respect, seem to hate him so. Plus, although this isn't saying much, he was miles ahead of the competition.

Poll: 37 percent of Democrats and 76 percent of independents think Biden is too old to be President.

I'm sure he's sure to defy the odds again, with his all powerful eighty one, plus million votes. He should have no trouble at all. One wonders why he even has to bother with campaigning or rallies, with the deep state head fakes again, Biden just can't lose.

British MP's, EU Members of the European parliament, AOC and the communist elitists leftists are all keen on keeping us silent but will they succeed?

One doesn't see how they'll fail, at least in the short run, they'll get their way for a while until their whole house of cards, implodes. Message to self, “Get more popcorn.”

Indeed, many in the free speech oasis, are more than willing to just move on and replace Tucker Carlson, as if there wasn't any merit, humor or truth in his show's construction. One finds oneself, hoping that Tucker has a backup plan that involves him getting his style of news posting, back into the public view, for consumption. I stopped watching even the free parts of The Fox News Network after observing, questionable behavior concerning a certain stolen election.

Indeed, in reading some posts from people I follow in and on the Fediverse, people are already dusting off Tucker's still warm chair and are inserting the likes of Tulsi Gabbard and Megyn Kelly in his place. I doubt seriously if it matters which name is eventually substituted, although what this callous indifference indicate, is that not too many people in the online, speech business seem to be going to miss Mr. Tucker, perhaps, many of them saw no merits in his efforts. I thought he did tremendous service, and presented the events of our time in a more truthful, straightforward method, when compared to many claiming to be in the same profession. Also, whereas people can be replaced for whatever reasons, including for profit, prejudice or spite the truth may indeed, continue to creep on at an indelible pace. Oh, and despite the many attempts, to kill the truth in the womb, it somehow manages to continue to see the light of day. Thanks to chris@abraham.su, sirphenom@noagendasocial.com, based_rob@noagendasocial.com, isaac@noagendasocial.com, icare4america@freeatlantis.com, for inspiring this post.

One can't be too careful in the western tyrannies. These days, even discussing any contrary opinions, differing from the deep state sponsored, narratives, could potentially get one arrested and taken to court for being an unregistered foreign agent or worse. It's funny how all the western countries, indeed, much of the world governments, seem to be taking orders from Satan.

Any how Satan and his minions are once again blaming Russia for yet another frame job, this time the fighting in the Sudan. Larry C. Johnson, breaks down the pieces of this latest deep state construction and brilliantly deconstructs the mockingbird media operative, narratives. It should be entertainment for people who still know how to read above a sixth grade level. Enjoy, cheers.