Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

How original, no wonder they can't win at anything except for prizes in the categories for tyrannies. The neocons and globalists in the deep state ranks have been playing the same card since November 2016 elections and with the aid of their state run media outlets, have been getting away with it, thus far. Even some courts seem keen on giving them helping hands.

This is glaring evidence, of how republics and empires crumble under the weight of greed, corruption and lawlessness. Indeed, the only group weaponizing free speech, and freedoms are the politicians and bureaucrats in corrupt democrat strongholds around the nation with the help of corrupt officers of the courts, lying media elitists and an apathetic, complacent populace.

There is little doubt that this situation can end well. The perception of two tiered justice, will only continue to breed resentment and when the rule of law no longer reigns, then lawlessness must abide. Without adherence to the United States Constitution, we will cease to be the United States of America and will become something else. One hopes that this realization will sink in to all observers because the consequences will be dire and real.

Perhaps, the shortsightedness of these many naked emperors throughout Washington DC and elsewhere, do us all a favor by accelerating the demise and decline of this now failed, corrupt union and maybe after the dust settles, after the collapse some good may come out of the chaotic rubble. Either way, the current system of two tiered law enforcement and lawlessness is unsustainable and it is a contradiction which must be confronted to the end.

It's becoming more and more obvious, why governments and people perceiving themselves as powerful, fear online speech and the freedom of expression, ideas and thoughts that it supports. It occurs instantly, in real time, it is unfiltered raw and while it may not meet everyone's idea of what is perceived as the truth, it is raw and real. Not the fake, virtue signalling, pap that one finds abundantly in the organizations claiming to produce news and entertainment.

Now, there are concerted efforts in capitals, all around the world, scheming about how to rid themselves of the shining light of information and the rapid ways in which it is beginning to empower the thoughts and actions of men and women, revealing the motives of the corrupt politicians and their bureaucratic henchmen. It's no wonder that the seek to ban any and all opposition speech, tools and ideas which have the potential, to overthrow their slipping grasp of power the seemingly have. This maneuver by governments to curtail the rapid progress of unfiltered ideas can be witnessed in the United States legislature, the congress, wasting time trying to ban the social media platform, TikTok. They cleverly play on the undesirable aspects of the platform, combining that with the fact that there are many in the US who perceive China as a threat and use that to hopefully trick enough people, with the aid of their media allies of course, will give up their rights of free expression, speech and association. Make no mistakes, the choice to use any social media or online service that's not breaking any laws, is a right of association and the congress knows this but they continue to make new laws that will outlaw this fact.

The are afraid of our ideas, our associations our speech and our thoughts. Let's keep them in fear, it is our right to have the power we do not need government but clearly they have a need to control us and we do not wish to be controlled by them because they are week, foolish, old and tired. It is high time that we take our fortunes up and cut the federal government off at the knees and by simultaneously clipping their wings. No to online or any types of censorship. If any particular platform is found offensive to public eyes, ears or minds, then the simple remedy is avoidance. We do not need the servants that we empower, to do double duty as our parents as well. Enough is enough, if these lawless men cannot abide by the Constitution of the United States then we'll have to dismiss them, let them find new work and or, dissolve this union between us and form new alliances, which will do so. Thank you.

Abraham Lincoln was even more despised than Obama and Biden combined and justice was served. However, he did get the last laugh, since his dream of centralized government has more than taken root and the US Constitution is in name only.

Make no mistake, the uni party in Washington DC want us defanged and declawed, in other words, unarmed. The same people who stole the 2020 and 2022 elections are suddenly using this bill to highlight so called election meddling. Make government weak again we'll take charge of our lives, we are all that we can depend on. Government can only hurt us, they are never any help. Let's shut them down. Here are some links.

A clever trap to turn free speech into criminal acts

I've never watched a TikTok video by choice or on purpose and even so, my consumption of them are sparse. Stop giving the government, no matter what side they're on, too much power. It's time to clip their wings.

Let's resist this cloaked, Trojan horse, censorship trap. Once they have banned TikTok, what guarantees do we have, that our favorite technology platform, wont be next? Fight this hard and let us send the power hungry in Washington, Brussels, London, Beijing, Moscow and New Delhi.

What is going on right now is a potential breach to weaken freedom of speech, expression and the right to be happy. Let's shut them down, please. Thank you. Just because I hate TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Google, Apple and more, doesn't mean, they should be banned. Thank you.

That's if she's not nuked.

The conspiracy theorists are about to be right again folks, bank on it. Many of us, the people who hate democrats and lefties, have been poking fun at the recent photos being showcased in the many media propaganda rags, claiming to be, those of John Fetterman. As usual, we were just having some innocent fun, however, the reaction of the supposedly, objective media outlets seem extremely curious. They have begun, a series of alleged fact checks and have begun resorting to the usual character assassinations, of anyone daring to realize that Fetterman may suddenly have, some body doubles.

Just do any search right now about John Fetterman and see the curious results that will start popping up. It's almost as if, someone, in some deep state circles, have something to hide. Say what one will about the alleged conspiracy theorists, but they always seem to get the stories correct. Just give them a couple of weeks before all the confessions are made.

Sun Mar 19 16:44:25 EDT 2023

There have been much talk, mostly by self identified Nazis, mocking and condemning Christians, as mere lackeys of the Jews. They spew the most vile rhetoric denouncing them as, essentially, fools for having faith. Meanwhile, another condemned and ridiculed device, a book, which many call, the Bible, or the holy scriptures, it's words contained, seem to be coming to pass for the entirety of humanity to witness and behold. We are watching the big lies, of alleged devastating climate change, one world government saviours and we're seeing he control of many, by the ever tightening rules and roles of governments, internationally, as if by coordination, freezing and seizing, the assets of dissidents, whether, individuals, organizations or entire nations. Yet many pretend to not recognize the signs, that all these events have long been prophesied, several millennia ago.

One mentions all this, in the realization, that the governments of the world, particularly, in the collective west, seem to be purposely coordinating their efforts to bring about, beside a devastating world war, a one world collective, where the people have only the rights, liberties and freedoms which only the elitist bureaucrats and politicians decree. One can see it in the unison of their media entirely. They all seem, to curiously, regurgitate the same sound bites, the same talking points and inevitably, the same narratives. The also seem to be immensely hurried going about it too. As if they perceive themselves, to be quickly running out of time.

The democrats in the United States, although they seem to be well represented withing the many bureaucracies, along with their controlled opposition, the republicans in name only, have, until exactly, during the 2018 elections, been floundering at the polls. Indeed, the majority of counties and states are resoundingly not of their ilk and it was only a matter of time, before that political group, became the party solely of communist blacks, conmen, the mentally ill and criminals. So, it has always been, recognized that since the democrats couldn't win at the polls, they'd have to invent multiple schemes, that would inevitably, undermine the electoral process, with the ultimate aim being, somehow, holding office and power, without elections. Well, it seems that they have arrived with a winning strategy, indeed. They have decided that those days of doing the hard, grunt work, of campaigning, by rubbing shoulders with the electorate, pretending to listen carefully are just old fashioned and have no place in modern policy. Oh no, why go through all that trouble when they aren't beholden to the voters any longer? They don't have to do all that anymore, not when their patrons are wealthy globalists who have purchased them and elections can be rigged with the aid of the federal bureaucrats, their armed goons and all cheerfully sanctioned by the media and enforced by what is currently disguised as law enforcement. All one has to do, is look. How many elections, since 2016, have people seen, the tyrannical forces sponsored by their big moneyed bosses, won by not even venturing outside their safe comfort zones? Far too many for one's taste.

So now, after seven long years of the false claims of Russian interferences into US elections and Trump being a Putin Russian puppet, which we now understand why they were so panicked and steadfast, the forces of evil with their powerful rich global friends, have decided to abandon all caution. Indeed, it should be expected from the sorts of people, willing to engulf the planet into a global nuclear, biological, chemical and radiation war, to do such things. Things such as, issuing an arrest warrant for Russian president Vladimir Putin and the curiously timed news, that President Donald Trump have also been provoked with being arrest, perhaps as soon as this Tuesday. It is becoming very clear, that people who claim to want to protect the planet of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and flatulence seem perfectly willing to abandon all that, if they can't rule the world. They would rather prefer to see the whole thing burn down, if they can't have it. This type of behavior reminds one of those jilted people, dealing with unrequited loves, whom, upon realization of the inevitabilities of lasting relationships, prefer, to instead, kill themselves along with their supposed loves as well. Truly, the most craven form of cowardice.

by Cameron Kaiser, from the Overbite Project

Most people who “get” Gopher are already using it and instinctively understand why Gopher is still useful and handy. On the other hand, people who inhabit the Web generation after Gopher's decline only see Gopherspace as a prototype Web or a historical curiosity, not a world in its own right — and more to the point, being only such a “prototype,” there is the wide belief that Gopher plays no relevant role in today's Internet and is therefore unnecessary. This has led to many regrettable consequences, such as the neglect of servers and clients, or even active removal of support.

However, there is much to be gained from a heterogeneous network environment where there are multiple methods of information access, and while the Web will confidently remain the primary means of Internet information dissemination, there continues to be a role for Gopher-based resources even in this modern age. Gopher and the Web can, and should, continue to coexist.

The misconception that the modern renaissance of Gopherspace is simply a reaction to “Web overload” is unfortunately often repeated and, while superficially true, demonstrates a distinct lack of insight. From a purely interface perspective, there is no question that Gopher could be entirely “subsumed” under the Web (technical differences to be discussed presently). Very simple HTML menus and careful attention to hierarchy would yield an experience very much like a Gopher menu, and some have done exactly that as a deliberate protest against the sensory overload of modern Web 2.0.

Gopher, however, is more than a confederated affiliation of networks with goals of minimalism; rather, Gopher is a mind-set on making structure out of chaos. On the Web, even if such a group of confederated webmasters existed, it requires their active and willful participation to maintain such a hierarchical style and the seamlessness of that joint interface breaks down abruptly as soon as one leaves for another page. Within Gopherspace, all Gophers work the same way and all Gophers organize themselves around similar menus and interface conceits. It is not only easy and fast to create gopher content in this structured and organized way, it is mandatory by its nature. Resulting from this mandate is the ability for users to navigate every Gopher installation in the same way they navigated the one they came from, and the next one they will go to. Just like it had been envisioned by its creators, Gopher takes the strict hierarchical nature of a file tree or FTP and turns it into a friendlier format that still gives the fast and predictable responses that they would get by simply browsing their hard drive. As an important consequence, by divorcing interface from information, Gopher sites stand and shine on the strength of their content and not the glitz of their bling.

Furthermore, Gopher represents the ability to bring an interconnected browsing experience to low-computing-power environments. Rather than the expense of large hosting power and bandwidth, Gopher uses an inexpensive protocol to serve and a trivial menuing format to parse, making it cost-effective for both client and server. Gopher sites can be hosted and downloaded effectively on bandwidth-constrained networks such as dialup and even low-speed wireless, and clients require little more than a TCP stack and minimal client software to navigate them. In an environment where there are cries for “green computing” and “green data centres,” along with large-scale media attention on emerging technology markets in developing nations and the proliferation of wireless technology with limited CPU and memory, it is hypocritical to this author why an established protocol such as Gopher would be bypassed for continued reliance on inefficient programming paradigms and expensive protocols. Indeed, this sort of network doublethink has wrought large, unwieldy solutions such as WAP, a dramatic irony, since in the case of many low-power devices such as consumer mobile phones, the menu format used on them is nearly completely analogous to what Gopher already offered over a decade earlier. More to the point, few in that market segment support the breadth of WAP, and those that can simply use a regular Web browser instead.

Finally, if Web and gopher can coexist in the client's purview, they can also exist in the server's. HTML can be served by both gopher servers and web servers, or a Gopher menu can be clothed in CSS, translated to HTML, and given to a web browser (and in its native form to a Gopher client). This approach yields a natural and highly elegant consequence: if you don't want to choose strictly one way or the other to communicate to your users, choose neither and offer them both a structured low-bandwidth approach or a higher-bandwidth Web view, built from the same content. The precedent of a single serving solution offering both to both clients has been in existence since the early days of the Web with tools such as GN, and today with more modern implementations such as pygopherd. Gopher menus are so trivial to parse that they can easily be HTML-ified with simple scripts and act as the basis for both morphs; what's more, their data-oriented approach means they require little work to construct and maintain, and content creation in general becomes simple and quick with the interface step already taken care of. Plus, many servers easily generate dynamic gopher menus with built-in executable support, providing the interactive nature demanded by many modern applications while still fitting into Gopher's hierarchical format, and virtually all modern Gopher servers can aggregate links to Web content to forge bidirectional connections.

Modern Gopherspace represents the next and greatest way for alternative information access, and the new generation of Gopher maintainers demonstrate a marked grassroots desire for a purer way to get to high-quality resources. Not simply nostalgia for the “way it used to be,” modern Gopherspace is a distinctly different population than in the mid 1990s when it flourished, yet one on which modern services can still be found, from news and weather to search engines, personal pages, “phlogs” and file archives. It would be remiss to dismissively say Gopher was killed by the Web, when in fact the Web and Gopher can live in their distinct spheres and each contribute to the other. With the modern computing emphasis on interoperability, heterogeneity and economy, Gopher continues to offer much to the modern user, as well as in terms of content, accessibility and inexpensiveness. Even now clearly as second fiddle to the World Wide Web, Gopher still remains relevant. — Cameron Kaiser


The thought of grabbing another person's gun is already a futile option. It's as brilliant as trying to disarm any serious armed individual in a fight. The democrats and their fellow globalists hide behind the thinly veiled shield, of protecting people from gun violence, which is not the case at all. The gun grabbing democrats intent became clear, during the staged, organized riots of the year 2020, when armed citizens made it clear, that enough was enough. When Americans armed with rifles, capable of defending against multiple, marauding attackers began enforcing the law and the peace, the democrats saw, that their strategy of terror, against Americans needed to be altered, the must disarm us, terrorize us with their A.N.T.I.F.A / B.L.M and other community organized thugs, in order to crush our wills and resolves, so as, to bring us into compliance.

It's a clever strategy, for tyrants and men who desire to be left alone, to be free, easily see through the rouse of rhetoric, virtue signalling, lies and deception. The goal of the democrats and the fake republicans are the same as all our real enemies. It is the goal that is bent on weakening us. Whatever strengths that they identify, must be deprived from us, in order that they may win. We have to become less apathetic, more serious, and certainly more aware of their real motives and intent.