Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

How ironic is it, that the very same people who insist that people farming, raising livestock, are killing the planet, causing climate disasters, are the very same people escalating a world war that threatens a fiery nuclear war? That the very same people who are actively trying to rid people of defending themselves effectively, are the ones spending billions for war weapons to murder even more masses? Also, have it not dawned on everyone, that the same groups calling everything that's good and true, white supremacy, the same people ignoring the crimes of black criminals across the land? How long will people remain to be blindly led? No one can now feign blindness and ignorance, many people are consciously culpable. Repentance is the action of recognizing our flaws, in thoughts and deeds and atoning for them through change. Anything less, is active compliance with those leading many astray and to the doorstep of war.

The more the establishment globalists try, to dissuade the many millions of people, that the 2020 elections and the ones that followed were rigged and fraudulent, the more the pattern begins to be revealed as to why it had to be done so as to bring us to this point. Prophecy is being played out, right in front of the eyes of many.

One realizes that there are many whom, put no credence in, what many believe are scriptures, however, many cultures have legends of the world being destroyed by a very long flood. Whether that flood was a metaphorical one or and actual one, it cannot be clear. Scientists, geologists and archaeologists suggest that some such occurrence may have happened, some time in man's past, however, what does that have to do with evil men and their lust for power and control?

There are so many pieces missing from our history as humans, if that is indeed, who we are. So many pieces missing, from our knowledge, so many unexplainable mysteries of our past. It's almost as if we have a collective form of amnesia. There are so many things, that we do not know and let's just ask, for arguments sake, if we did find out the answers, would we want to be free men afterwards, or would we wish to be slaves? It is obvious, by their very nature, that we can identify, beings on this planet, who would prefer that only they should be truly free and the rest of us must be controlled and regulated. Who indeed, appointed them our masters then?

Beliefs in scriptures, legends, myths or wild imaginings aside, there is a strong belief by many, that the first global calamity was caused by a flood and that the next one will be caused by a ravaging fire and this time the same people restricting, regulating and bent on controlling us, seem all too eager to let the whole thing burn if they cant be in charge of everything. Are these the types of people we should aspire to be around? I think not, I want them gone from my sight gone from history and hopefully they can be the first to go down in this cleansing with fire.

I'm a struggling hacker in training and by struggling, I mean struggling to grasp all that I have learned, understanding it all and retaining it. Indeed, I have so much stuff accumulated over the decades that I forget, at least temporarily, some of those things often enough, to alarm myself. For instance, I use the Profanity, XMPP client, and I was in a chat room, and I couldn't remember the command to leave the room. That's so bad and a demonstration of what I mean by forgetting stuff, since that particular command is close.

I'm like Kelly Bundy, from the TV series, “Married With Children.”, Kelly had a hard time being smart since the more knowledge she gained, she would lose the ones gained to accommodate the newly acquired ones. The point is I make plenty mistakes and sometimes I actually learn a lesson or two. While I know plenty of things, the things that I know nothing about, far outweigh and indeed, out mass any knowledge I could conceivably amass in ten lifetimes.

So I wrecked my Soapbox instance, again, I'm always fiddling with things I know very little or nothing about, I keep deluding myself that it's all for the learning. I've always been like that. I was always dude the destroyer. Only lately, I've begun to make a comeback at actually salvaging some of my misdeeds. I made several nightly backups too, and I still have them but I must have done something wrong because the backups didn't seem to take. I should go over the instructions a few more times to see what happened. Needless to say, I'm just happy that I can still recreate the site, even if I start from scratch. That's one of the reasons why I only run single user instances for now.

Oh and another things that I do suck at, but I'm striving to be better, is creating reverse proxy structures in Nginx. However, I've just started getting the hang of it and it's, like most things, once you know exactly what to do, then it seems so simple. However, I've been faking it until a few hours ago and I consider myself blessed, to have finally seen the light.

Well I hope that this entry, left you all still awake and as soon as I'm done posting this, I'll format the contents for my Gemini and perhaps my Gopher servers too. Oh, which reminds me, I'll have to change some entries in their configuration files to take account for the minor domain changes that I've made and I'll probably have to make some adjustments, therefore, no need to give their new addresses now, just yet. Since I'll have to make them up soon.

P.S. For those of you who aren't being punished enough, by reading my drivel and know how to access Gemini websites, my new Gemini link is: gemini://gemini.natehiggers.online. Now remember, this whole natehiggers.online, to me was a gag and I still think it's a funny play on words, fuck your feelings, however, I'm not going to renew that domain name for $35. I paid $5 for it initially, and if they'd charge me $5 for it every year, then I'd own it. So, come August, I'll have a new domain and all the sissies can start having their parties again. I'll keep everyone abreast on what that will be when the time comes. Thanks again, have a good day and enjoy your weekend. Caio.

What are the links between PayPal and papal?

It's a fairly innocuous observation, however, considering the facts that our enemies, revere symbolism, to include wordplay, presumably, one wonders, if indeed the connection between papal, which is a reference to the pope and all the significant history, power and symbolism which applies, had anything to do when the company PayPal was conceived and created.

It would be interesting to see if there are any visual clues or, for that matter, any evidence, no matter how cursory, which point in that direction. Obviously, we the conspiracy theorists of the world, are always on about this or that however, using symbolism is a great strategy to hide motivations and intentions, from all, in open view. Let's see how many visual clues or symbols, we may find from their logos, financial statements and business documents. One shouldn't be too surprised if one stumbles upon some funny pointy hats.

I no longer believe that the events of September 11, were the works of Muslims and terrorists. I think that it was just another in a series of psychological war tactics, used against the American people, specifically and the inhabitants of the world on a whole. One cannot at the same time, reject the media, politicians, the deep state, the neocons and the pundits as liars and deceivers, then pick and choose from the narratives the provided. Either we reject them or accept, them or, we chose another path, which is to objectively audit our own motives and seek the truth ourselves.

I also admit that, because of the attacks on September 11, 2001, the media and deep state narrative, I have revised my thoughts, about how I view Muslims, the media, the deep state, the uni party and the neocons. Remember, since then, because of the psyop programming used against us, we have given the government immense powers, under the guise that it's for our safety against 'terrorists' and now many of us that question any narrative that we don't agree with, we have become the terrorist now.

So, I'm going to drop my previous bias against Muslims and all the other people that the media, deep state, uni party and other intelligence operatives have been spoon feeding us. If we see now how they have been bending and manipulating the truth. Even people whom we have previously respected are now suspect. My caution is to hold back on the generalizations and become more objective on a case by case basis since we are in an information war and we must figure out the rules of engagement.

We must, because of what we know now about the narrative spinners and our own gullibility, prejudices and precognitions, that we cannot, any longer blindly accepts any premise, no matter how we wish them to be true, at face value any longer. We must question all the narratives now, everything we once believed must be sourced out and audited for faulty code writing and syntax. If we have been hacked, it's time for us to fix the code.

Thank you. I think that it is important for us to know our minds, communicate clearly, deliberately and become proactive in this new war in which we find ourselves. In the past we have merely, reacted to the narratives presented us, we can do better now we have more experience with the tactics of our enemies and we can now think our way through, to better solutions causing us to visualize and articulate our status more accurately.

One thinks not, except if that is one's ulterior motive, to begin with. However, as long as one doesn't need the adoration, acceptance and or validation of others, in one's ideas and beliefs, then the answer to that initial question is a resounding no. The Europeans and Americans, claiming that they're sanctioning Russia undoubtedly, perhaps, affected the ways in which the Russian economy progressed, but it also caused the Russians to be adept and adaptable in countering the effects of the sanctions. The sanctions also pushed Russia to become closer with other sanctioned states and have caused them all to become less isolated and also strengthened their collective resolve.

Also, since the west have stupidly, shut down their industrial bases and import more goods that they export, they have become weaker and more poor. The west at this very moment, have a flood of workers now going into retirement, with no savings, high inflation with a looming economic catastrophe on the horizon. Also, the west have a large young population, that have been indoctrinated in government schools, with noting to show for it, no skills, no trades and the only thing that they bring to the table is their ignorance. The west in in a perilous state, judging by the metric.

Then there are the new emerging markets in China and India that are beginning to expand their manufacturing, industrial base, with high populations of skilled young workers and those nations are hungry for cheap Russian oil, gas and petroleum by products. With Russia and Iran joining forces, the Russian economy can now get all those soft consumer goods that have been cut off from Europe, via the Iranian producers. China and India too, will make up for whatever goods and services that have now been cut off by the Europeans, which, ironically, makes Europe the big losers in this economical war.

Anyhow, I talk too much, I'm sure that what I've discussed here and more will be contained withing the linked article.

All the tough talk from people that have no problems with our unguarded borders, three hundred sixty degrees around, now want harmless balloons shot down.

That's rich, the same government with the federal reserve, that on one hand, spends money that they don't have, while the other one, prints that money for them to spend, have consumers reeling at inflated prices, who will soon be laid off their jobs, have their home maintenance cost go up and are on the brink of loosing everything.

Those same people are mesmerized by the very media, that's still, telling them, Trump is a Russian agent, an American traitor and that peaceful protesters, demonstrating, in front of the Capitol building, were trying to violently overthrow the US government. Captivated by the very people that told them, they should take experimental injections, call them vaccines or lose their jobs, their rights, their freedoms and their privacy. So forgive me, if I don't have two fucks to give, about some fucking balloon.

Now all the R.I.N.O.S and democrats are talking tough because somehow they think that that's what the public wants to hear and perhaps some people do, but those people are fucking morons. That's how easily distracted some people are. How many people think that it's a good idea for the debt ceiling to be erased, so that congress can spend even more money so that the federal reserve can print that money for them to spend? How many of those people really believe that any of those types of policies will bring inflation and the price of goods and services into check? Well, whomever they are, they don't live in our reality, no sir, they're somewhere high and in a deep sleep. Let's hope they stay there and leave the heavy lifting and hard decisions to the rest of us.

The Poles and the states of the Baltic Region are the most vociferous proponents of Russian bellicosity. One wonders just how tough they will prove to be, one the European Union, NATO and the United Sates, prove to be the naked empire. The US have shown many times that they have no reluctance to cut and run once the heat gets turned up and also, if new administrations, cleaning house, decide to make fresh starts.

We shall see how it works out however, the contempt that is brewing for all of the EU and NATO is only just starting to boil and will no doubt soon overflow. One hopes, that indeed, may they be cursed with their most terrifying fears for an eternity.

We all hate her. To love her one would have to be a sissy man snowflake. I hope she goes swimming and get chewed up by a shark. Oh, it's also rumored that she has a bigger dick than Mike Obama. She's another globalist elitist that will fail all the way up.

Nuland was once a beautiful woman, there was a time that her soul was still intact, however, untold secrets are hidden behind those eyes. She's the one running the train, heading to world war three. From the looks of it, she doesn't seem to mind a nuclear blast, heck, the thought of all that radioctive heat, is probably making her nostalgic and homesick for that special, proverbial lake that shines like a fire. Well it's actually a fire, but I like waxing rhetorically. If you want to see some spy porn, click the link and check out how far Victoria Nuland have fallen and how far still, she needs to go.

If you want to impress your date, just make sure to mention that you work for Pfizer. Does Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Michael Bloomberg or George Soros, own Pfizer Stock? I know Nancy Pelosi does. Anyway, I had to share this video since I hear Google and the other commie tech companies are scrubbing this.