Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

Does the government have any rights under the US Constitution? No, the US Constitution, restricts government overreach and specifically enumerates, the natural rights of the people. The politicians, many of whom are lawyers, done so, by design, are ever trying to weaken the spirit and text of the constitution, in order to wrestle away the rights of the people.

Naturally, an apathetic society, which thinks voting is nonsense, just because the process is rigged, is just the type of attitude that the deep state politicians could hope for, in order to have their plans come into fruition. How can one take the apathetic among us that claim, they will not vote, because both parties are the same, plus the elections are rigged seriously? We don't. We can't trust people who are too unconcerned about the state of their nation, and don't vote, for whatever reasons to do anything else than to complain and roll back over and remain deep in dream and slumber. People too lazy to vote, will be too lazy to fight, no matter what their objections. They're a lost cause. So be it. Like in all matters, we'll have only ourselves, upon which to depend.

With the recent US Supreme Court rulings, asserting the right of Americans to bear and possess arms now even more clarified and pronounced, the anti freedom parties among us are desperately trying to ensnare a perceived majority into adopting their narrative that we should disarm. They're attempting to disarm us incrementally, until there are no more arms in our possession and they have even begun to sue the manufacturers of guns and ammunition into submission, using the same tactics used, against the tobacco companies. It wont work. Rising crime and lawlessness and forced to being our own first responders, dictate that we be armed an ready to confront lawless threats against our lives and property. We wont give up. Just because they create laws making us illegal doesn't make us wrong.

It's high time we the people come together and reciprocate, using all the legal and political power, we can amass. The FBI, ATF are useless in fighting crime and have decided that the criminals they need to target are the law abiding citizens that will end them. Of course we have a sizable group of citizens who will do nothing useful, except complain and from them, we can expect nothing different. However, the rest of us who are serious citizens need to target these rough praetorian guardians of the deep state and let them find work elsewhere.

What am I on about? Well it's this, it seems as if the FBI and the ATF were caught secretly spying on law abiding citizens since they're easier to find than real criminals. Gun owners who think that they may be under surveillance, may not be wrong, even if they're a little paranoid, since if it's the FBI or The ATF, well those clowns will do just about anything to come and get you. Let's fire all their asses and let them do the jobs that democrats keep saying, Americans, just won't do.

We're going to war with the federal government, no not quite a hot one just yet, our culture dictates that we first fight them legally and on policy. Then we fight them some more. We outnumber these federal goons and we also outnumber the deep state swamp party and the bureaucrats. I'm sure that we can muster up some brave souls to secure our rights for the very last time. Due to inflation, even talk is getting cheaper by the second. Let the creatures of the District of Columbia see our might and begin to fear.

What will the witch queen, from H.R. Pufnstuf, who've been masquerading as the governor for the state of New York, do in reaction to having an American citizen, defending himself and other's with a concealed weapon? The Entire nation is watching this one and the New York legislative, executive and judiciary will be the first ones to face the firing squad. Stay Tuned.

In what may become a trend in these United States, New York man, makes citizen's arrest enforced with his concealed pistol. New York's governor and legislature, hardest hit.

Who keeps on telling me, that there's no difference between the two parties? The majority of democrats want to take away my right to self defense, the majority of republicans do not. The majority of the democrats think that voters should be seen and not heard, republicans, if they think that way, for now have remained silent on the subject, except for the odd RINO or two. Democrats, say that we can keep our doctors if we love them, republicans say no. Democrats need the border open since they hate White Americans, have abandoned that demographic, and need another permanent underclass, since they're finally running out of options to cheat in elections.

Those are just a smattering of how identical the two swamp creature parties are. I'm sure when I get a fresh night's sleep, I can come up with several more examples, however, I'm sure many people get the drift. Thanks for reading and see you soon.

One never tires of seeing such mind blowing pwnage.

Holy Mike Obama's balls Batman, I swear, I leave civilization and indoor plumbing for a few hours and this, is the sort of thing that happens. I've been looking forward to this day, although, I had a different version of her “resignation”, well several versions, really, one involved, gallows, a very hefty dirty rope, and her last night in a prison filled with big black guys named G-Wiz, Jo-Jo and Buster, for cellmates. I never get what I want, until it's outta style.

All in all, a good thing, can the Kiwi's get their semi automatic rifles back now? I'm hoping there are still many of those weapons that got lost during white water rafting. A rare piece of good new, my rendition of her resignation would have been better but a win is a win.

NATO's head knob polisher is rightly getting nervous. Earth To Jens Stoltenberg, many of us hate NATO, we've been praying and lobbying the United States congress to get out of that cesspool for ages and now we're so close. One wonders, what NATO would look like without US support. The smart money is that Russia will win in Ukraine and then I'm got some money in popcorn, butter, nutritional yeast and cheese, that says, the EU is coming down next, followed by chaos in the Baltic states. Keep crying NATO, your tears are so refreshing.

Surprisingly, Vera Jourová, wanted anyone exercising their first amendment rights, shadow banned. While Seltzer and the other representatives of the Mockingbird, drive by media, wanted their spotlight back. They want the monopoly on disinformation and do not like sharing it with the rabble on the internet. How dare we have an audience, no matter how small?

Now Vera Jourová who's not bad looking for a woman pushing 60, is still a communist Czech. She also uses Mastodon, which I'm sure will soon have shadow banning features, since they encourage the censorship of instances that they cannot control. I also have some bad news for the New York Times Representatives and his ilk, we've known since the 1980's, that the newspapers, TV news networks and their radio news counterparts, were fake news, only towing the liberal, democrat, left wing global policies. We've rejected those outlets ever since and finally, we have an ever growing following.

Rush Limbaugh has been on the national airwaves, since his syndicated, eponymous, show, began in 1988, have been pointing out the media's bias, their total hypocrisy and their penchant for omitting news that contradicts, their narratives. He built his reputation, partly, on his parodies of the media in all their departments, whether, news, opinion or alleged entertainment. So, pointing out the fake news aspects of the disinformation kettles, calling the rest of us black, is not a new, most recent phenomenon.