Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

Look, if NATO & the EU wish to expand and generate a war with Russia, by all means let them go and do so. However, I'm not going to that party. The main reason why the EU and the other NATO countries are so cocksure, that they're up to be in conflict with Russia and perhaps, her allies, is their perceived backing by the USA. The average EU citizen hate Americans anyway, however, it seems as if they'll tolerate them, just as long as they pay the bills and fight their battles for them. Also, it would seem that they probably hate the Russians, about as badly as they hate us too.

That's another thing we have in common with the Russians. We're hated by the EU bloc. We should capitalize on that commonality. I don't have much use for Europe myself. In another half century, all the real Europeans, people of European stock, will be out bred and die off, thanks to their idiotic policies. So be it. They're big believers of Darwinism anyway, so it should comfort them to know, that survival of the fittest means they will be leaving Europe, in very capable hands. Yes, it was hard, for me to keep a straight face while I typed that.

The point is, the Russians seem to have a legitimate argument, NATO is using nefarious means, to expand their empire and so is the EU. They first started with, The Republic of Georgia and the Russian Federation put a stop to it. The spy agencies of the west, then started showering enemies of Russia, within the former Soviet Union, with cash and assistance, to cause destabilizing operations, aimed at weakening Russian resolve in order to achieve their expansionist goals. Perhaps, the Russians could find clever ways to reciprocate. I don't like bullies and it seems to me that over twenty countries have decided to take it upon themselves to provoke Russia, into war, while simultaneously, propagandizing at home. If some one want's a war with Russia, perhaps they should be a man about it and fight one on one. In this fight, nuclear arsenal or not, twenty plus versus one, makes Russia the underdog, and in my country, the United States, we were taught to respect, love and support the bullied underdog.

I realize that, the idea of supporting the underdog probably doesn't ring true for many these days since integrity, honor and fair play may be old fashioned concepts to some. However, it's akin to the same concepts of speaking the truth and speaking it ever, no matter what the cost. Regardless of whatever believable lies one spreads, they're still wrong, still false and are vanity. We can always make up our own minds, however, we don't have the luxury or the right, to make up our own truths, except in clown world.

Inflation is just another government imposed, tax on the population. The reason why we have inflation today is the result of out of control government spending. The government, by spending money that we do not have, must borrow it from somewhere. In the case of the US, our government borrows it from the phony Federal Reserve Bank, which in turn, prints more money adding billions more worthless paper competing to buy limited amounts of real products, goods and services.

To date, the cumulative amount of total debt, which grows by the millisecond, is now sitting at thirty one trillion dollars and counting. To illustrate what the interest on that amount is let's just illustrate what just one percent of that sum is. According to my limited arithmetic, the interest payment alone on thirty one trillion dollars would be three hundred ten, billion dollars,(310,000,000,000) and that's just assuming that the interest rate is only one percent, (1%). If the interest rate is say, five percent, (5%), then we see that interest payment quickly move from three hundred ten billion dollars, to one point five, trillion dollars, (1,500,000,000,000) a year in interest payments on the debt incurred, alone. Please feel free to correct my arithmetic and math, just in case.

It doesn't take a mathematician to see the perilous situation that we're collectively in. It's impossible to pay off our debts. However, which politician is going to say that out loud? So what are the solutions? Well if politicians were real people and not phonies worried about every two, four, and eight years, they would come clean with the population and their creditors and try to come up with a less grievous solution than a total wash. However, instead, what they do, is, keep printing money trying to hide the fact that the money their creditors lent them was move valuable, for instance, at the time of the load that sum could probably have bought a car then, however the same amount of money they're getting back from the government today, can only buy a pack of bubble gum. So the government get to keep their word. They have paid you back your money, plus interest, but the money have become so devalued, so worthless, that it has lost most of it's value.

We're going to have to leave their system. We are going to have to create parallels to their ruin. We can see what these parallels look like, in other, more fucked up countries, the ones that use the US dollar as their black market, de facto currency. In many countries, riddled with inflation issues, they use the US dollar as the common standard in which to conduct their black market affairs. However, what do we all use, when the US dollar itself becomes worthless? That's the challenge and the pertinent question one needs to ask. I'm not giving financial advice, I'm just asking some questions and expressing some views. Thanks for listening, or reading.

I just finished cleaning my oven and I amusingly pondered which day, this eventuality, would occur. Well, it's been a few minutes and here it is, the day of stupidity is here. Consider this, if all the stoves that we can have are electric, how do we cook when all the lights go out? That's their plan. Just ask the Ukrainians, who invested heavily in electric trains, what happens when someone, targets the electric grid? Whatever happened to diversity? Diversity seems to work well in investing, and if you listen to the destroyers of culture, diversity apparently is a good thing for demographics and patriotism, their words. Except in this case, where they mean to strip the people of their power and freedoms. When people were dependent on phone land lines those phones and the network still worked even when the power was gone. Putting all our eggs in the electric basket is going to prove to be a weakness. I will not comply.

Whatever laws that the Canadian & US deep state criminals use to steal the assets of Russian citizens and businesses, are the same laws that will be used against the citizens of their respective citizens and residents, down the line. First they stole the assets of Russians and I did nothing, then the stole the assets of the freedom truckers and I did nothing then either. We have a tyranny on our hands and we must be careful how we medicate it.

Rest assured, that whatever laws these deep state hooligans pass off as laws do steal the assets of others, will remain on the books, long after the current conflict have been put to rest. Whatever, actions that our governments take against others are actions that potentially, will be used against the rest of us. Even if my premise is incorrect, how many are willing to chance it? Tyranny, evil and lawlessness will prevail when good men do nothing. I hate injustice and I pray, that all the aggrieved, will exact a most gruesome vengeance as payment thereof.

The good news is that the RINOS are ensuring that we defeat them mercilessly, the MAGA base is dead set on voting those clowns out and starving them of whatever disposable incomes we have left, for political charity. We knew since the start, of the Biden term, that the RINOS have their own agenda, and that it doesn't include the rest of us. So, the civil war have begun early and it's raging in the ranks of the republicans with the rank and file versus the elitist political classes.

The RINOS have little wiggle room, since they have shown us their hands and there is no turning back and no coming home again from these betrayals. They're hated, even more than we hate the democrats, if that's even possible. We expected democrat treachery and now, we expect it from the feckless republicans in name only until we run them out of town. They are carrying water for the democrats and running interference for them. They'll never be forgiven for that. At this venture, only the very holiest of people, in our ranks, will give the RINO class any humane sentiment.

Perhaps, I could just be projecting my own attitudes and that I'm merely, engaging in wishful thinking. However, at least the republican MAGA base, we have each other, the RINO republicans have their slim minority and nobody else, since, perhaps, their colleagues in their collegium, may have their backs, but mainstream democrats hate them just as much as we do. When I think about the betrayals of the republican establishment, political class, waterboarding seems like an appropriate remedy to abate our disgust.

Yes, I know that I'm an ardent conspiracy provoquer, therefore, everyone should be used to it by now. I'm relatively certain that it's not some resident living in the area who will undoubtedly be affected by such actions, that's doing this. It is clearly someone, or some group, that's well funded, with the ability to transport with little hassle, with plenty of fuel, being able to remain comfortable, with various options. At any rate, I'm a strong adherent to hyperbole, speculation and good stories and everyone loves a good story. What are the other speculations floating around as to why this sudden behavior, of sabotaging power plant substations? Are there similar attacks being conducted at windmill farms, solar infrastructure and nuclear installations that are being hidden from the public?

How quickly they forget, If it weren't for Trump, Hillary Clinton would be on her second term and all our fucking guns would be gone by now. The US Supreme Court Would be 6-3 with the activists being the majority. It's time to give the RINOS their pink slips. We don't have to settle for the uni party.

Perhaps, there are a few souls still left out in the wild that will one day band together to combat tyranny. If that's the case, we can always take notes from those who preceded us. Learning from history has long been a human trait and learning is never skill that is set in stone. It, like everything worthy is in a constant state of change and wise men would do well to adapt. When America abandons freedom, who will take up the banner?

I thought that the green, climate, loony, loons, cared about global warming or cooling or climate change or something. Why haven't we seen them super glued to the pavement lately? Isn't the public to believe that they're made up, of so much, more, finer and hardier stuff? However, instead of defending their alleged principles, they're presumably, warmly snuggling in their homes, burning the dreaded “fossil fuels,” keeping themselves safe, alive and warm.

They, like most hypocrite, grifter types, have no shame and are incapable of realizing the irony of reported principles, being sidelined for the higher ideals, of comfort and convenience. Talk about one's sunshine soldiers and fair weathered activists.

A clever little tale this is, the article is written in such a way, with all fingers pointing at Russian treachery. Clever indeed. No reader is supposed to even imagine, that this hint of murder could have been conceived, performed and executed by the deep state apparatus of the fledging, insane, western powers.

The author even gives permission to the Biden administration to so deal with their many enemies and detractors. One wonders, who he has in mind. As if the Biden administration needed any coaxing. For all anyone knows, they've been a step ahead. This is how the psychological operations are executed. We all can be hacked and it is always a prudent move to accept that, every now and then, anyone can and will be played. Question each and every premise presented.