Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

That judge is perhaps, certifiable. So what does one do when there is no recourse for stolen elections? I'm all for running amok with a side of mindless violence, but that's just me and I'm an outlier, not to mention, I lack civilized graces and culture. Also, just because I don't live in the state of Arizona, doesn't mean I can't run amok around here with mindless violence on mi mind. Anyway, for those of you sissified folk, who know how to read here's the link.

I love to keep my iodine levels high, that's why I forage around for seaweed at low tide and eat lots of sardines, mackerel and other seafood. However, ingesting Lugol's solution of Iodine is also an effective method of keeping one's iodine levels topped. Long story short, there seems to be a run on iodine stocks in many Pharmacies in my particular locale and I'm wondering how widespread this phenomenon actually is.

For those who don't know, not only is iodine great for cleaning wounds and cuts, it also can be used to purify questionable water supplies and protect the thyroid gland against radioactivity. It is a bit puzzling and curious as to why the sudden shortages are occurring.

Now in most cases, iodine tablets are used for the purification of water and help in the protection of radioactivity however, it is a curious matter why even iodine solutions are equally hard to come by these days. For some of us having adequate iodine levels is a health concern however there seems to be more afoot.

Yes, call it a collective gut instinct or more accurately, he who feels it knows it. We have eyes, ears, mouths and in this case fingers as proxies. We knew we were getting shadow banned, we knew that if indeed we were in such a serious pandemic, as the narrative told, the bodies would be piling up in our streets and buildings. We also knew that if the alleged disease was dangerous enough to escape, secure medical labs, that cloth and paper masks would be absolutely useless against it.

We also know people drunk with power when we see them. Not to mention how well some of us know democrat politicians and how eager they always are to exploit any opportunity to make political hay. Essentially, the Twitter files have corroborated and confirmed our worst fears and to some relief, lessened the perception of our descent into utter madness. Just because one may be paranoid, it doesn't preclude the notion that our enemies are all around us.

Reports are, that the Finnish government secretly gave Ukrainian military units the Sisu XA-180 APC. Well it seem as if the Russians are turning many of them into scrap and word is, one is now a trophy. It wont be long now as Ukraine have now served it purpose by trapping the EU into the American web.

The EU is now totally dependent on the US government, which should give Washington that warm and fuzzy feeling, since we all in the States aren't dependent on them at all and frankly we'd like to see them vanish from our view. All in good time. Whereas, many government entities in the United States, are just absolutely useless, unnecessary economical, financial burdens around the proverbial necks of the American citizens, who can't do anything right or good, let alone the one or two actual jobs under the constitution. So it's good that they may have to leave us and rule their colonies in Europe.

Anyway one wonders if there will be a Ukraine still around in five years from now. In under a year Ukraine have lost about one quarter of her acreage and the war is still young. NATO is toothless to do anything other than offer billions of dollars in kind, weapons and morale support. A Russia, with a history of fighting defensive wars on her territory, is no stranger to invaders, which is just what NATO and the EU would have to become and they're running the risk of having a new encirclement by a new iron curtain. One that will be well deserved. EU & NATO, keeps on provoking the hibernating mother bear.

One thing about the globalist lizard people, is, they're relentless. They're been at it for fifty years trying to steal our gun rights, our rights to self defense, they've been lying about acid rain, global warming, climate change, vaccines and elections. When all those lies failed, now they're forced to rig elections in order to stay in power to advance their agenda.

Their latest hoax is that nitrogen, the element that makes up 78% or so of this planet, is a problem. Carbon dioxide, one of the life source for all plant life on this planet, is suddenly a poison to us all. Well not if one is native to this planet they're not. Anyway, they seem to have many converts as it is. Instead of sending weapons to Ukraine, people need to start arming up the Dutch farmers. The globalist elitist have begun their war on humanity, fight to live or surrender and die.

That's possible when people start believing their own propaganda. Unfortunately for the west, the regime change is going to be happening in Ukraine. It's a good thing that Zelenskyy is out of the country. The point is after all the western nations lose interest and run out of money, Russia will always be right next door. Soon, Ukraine as we all know it, wont exist. Armed Forces of Ukraine complain that they're being used for cannon fodder.

Rumor has it, that some very influential men, who all opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve, all managed to take the same cruise on the RMS Titanic in 1912, one hundred, ten years ago. What say you, was it all just God's will, or was it just a happy coincidence for a few people? It's also just another happy coincidence that there was a world war, soon thereof, some two years later. Wow, someone was having a lucky streak. Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss and John Jacob Astor. Did the same people that financed the sinking of the Titanic also finance World War I?

More bluff and bluster. The most classified information about this cartoon is, even if it were real, it would be an expensive waste of money, that by the time it came to maturity, hobby drones would be a more practical approach. This is the depth that US war policy have descended into. They're making shit up. By the time this joke of a money pit is ready, even off the shelf from drones will be more practical. Another fake news, deep state, CIA, media fiction.

All this time I thought, that, with all their bravado, that the EU and NATO, smelt Russian weakness and fear. As it turns out, by this one little prank, that European rulers, are indeed, scared and afraid of Russia. They're just talking tough, hiding behind the skirt of a weak, corrupt USA, hoping that the old adage, strength in numbers will apply here and perhaps give them courage.

That was my take on this whole episode, anyway. I'll keep my ears on, reading the mail, and trying to gauge the popular sentiment of this development.

Admittedly, very few people will every read anything in that horrible magazine calling itself, “The Atlantic” or anything I write either, for that matter. It's probably, for the best. The Atlantic, is obviously staffed by operatives of the five eyes, working their real day job. If indeed, they need to do any dirty work, I'm guessing, that poison and potions, are their tools of the trade.

I think, that my point is this, if one is the enemy of the Atlantic, then one is probably, doing something right. That being said, it pains me to imagine, that I was wrong about these men, in the image provided. I'm losing my touch. For here, are men whom, I have detested for decades and now, I must be wrong and this is clown world, because there is no way in Hades, that I will ever, willingly, or otherwise, be on the side, of the fucking Atlantic. I'd rather be wrong perpetually.

Therefore, since The Atlantic, is always on the wrong side of history, both in the real world and the clown one, these men, then must be, the good guys. Trying to convince me, that, Joe Biden, Ursula von der Leyen and Rishi Sunak are the good guys, is akin to madness. I'd sooner succumb to Lucifer's temptations and worship him forever, that accept that premise. Which incidentally, is probably the same entity that they three, pledge their allegiances.