Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

The United States under the democrats, are clearly suicidal. They're either bluffing, or they're considering a war with Russia, in winter no less, one in or around China and one with all the people who hate the state of the nation, at home. I could see if the people in charge were religious, but they're not, so nobody is on their side except baby killing mothers, black women, and people who are confused about their gender. Yeah, they may be able to fight a three front war but they're not going to win it.

So, remember when Orange Man Bad, was in the White House and the media experts made claims of him starting world war three? Yes, me too. Now they're very quiet to implicate Biden in doing just that. Biden's not just depending on riling up Putin to get the ball rolling, he wants some of China too, simultaneously. Oh, let's not forget all the lovable evil M.A.G.A. republicans who are packing hammers.

So, it seems as if Trump was out maneuvered and brought down, by a bill which he himself championed. If I remember correctly the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency Act, was in response to alleged high profile hacking exploits occurrences at U.S. companies, many of whom were government contractors. So essentially, Trump, eventually got canceled and run off social media platforms, by government pressure that the D.H.S. and F.B.I. used, under the pretext of national security, using the very same bill, as the codification of the law.

Someone in the deep state, was thinking way ahead. It easy now, in retrospect, to see, that Trump was way out of his league, in the District of Columbia. The deep state were several steps ahead of him. This observation, is by no means an easy thing to admit to, since I love Trump and I did vote for him twice. Of course, that's not really saying much, since at one point I actually felt the same way about G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney and John Bolton, all whom, I now despise today.

Perhaps it's time to reevaluate my alliances. In my defense, however, I rationalize my choices, then and now, as voting for the lesser of two evils. Looking back, and having glaring examples such as the casual acceptance of this bill, that totally paved the way, to undermine his presidency, which he gladly signed, is a glaring example that he really wasn't prepared for dealing with the swamp. Has he learned anything? Have any of us learned anything?

We are all, just only beginning, to realize the type of corrupted rouge operatives and agencies, that inhabit Washington D.C. and other concentrated areas of power in our republic. There was a time when we innocently trusted their words, their slights of hands and the reinforcing reports from their media outlets. Now, it seems, the veils over our eyes are falling away and many of us seem to be paying attention to their words now, and picking apart the narratives and outright lies, which they once used to gain our loyalty, which they used to exert control.

It's a grim, gritty existence, where we find ourselves, however, it's nothing that a little determination, effort and persistence, can't chip away at, to form our desired results. Like most things, though we may wish for instant outcomes, we must pace ourselves, stick with our plans to win, and keep working to achieve our ends. So it is in our daily lives and so it must be in setting the republic of the United States aright.

After two years of abusive, government enforced, tyranny, censorship, banishment, job losses, bankruptcies and hosts of other infringements on our natural rights, by rouge, corrupt elements in media, academia, government, and private enterprises, the people, who were right all along, branded as liars, disinformation merchants, are expected to absolve, all the smart people, following their science, from their spree of tyranny.

They obviously, do not know us very well. In Canada, which is quickly becoming a dystopian version of itself, bank accounts were frozen, private properties were seized and people, including men of the cloth, were imprisoned. Oh no, there will be no amnesty, we want justice and revenge. We cannot appease these people who so willingly lauded their power and authority over the rest of us so they can walk free to try this sort of thing again. ZeroHedge, among other outlets, has an article, reminding us, just in case, some of us forgot, what these people are asking us to forgive and forget.

Catherine Englebrecht and Gregg Phillips, jailed for failing to disclose confidential sources. The United States is headed on a collision course and then over a cliff. Suspect voter machines, questionable election officials, assaults on the first amendment, the second amendment and the revelation, that, not too far in the future, this nation, will fragment and be better for it.

For those of us who've seen the documentary, 2000 Mules we recognize this Duo. We wish them strength and patience. Where are the riots for these two? No worries though, for now, the best way to upset the plans of the elitist and their shenanigans, is civil disobedience and non compliance. Later on, if needs be, we'll ready ourselves wherever our fortunes lie.

While the masses are distracted by Twitter, Elon Musk, Pelosi love squabbles, and the mockingbird media, lamenting on about, “muh democracy”, innocent, investigative, amateur journalists, are being jailed for protecting their sources, in an election fraud trial and nobody cares about it. For the tyrants, everything is on schedule and going according to plan.

As we head to the polls next week, at this point, voting is a mere formality, since nothing really have changed since the last time we've voted. So if indeed, there was a steal, there's nothing stopping it from recurring.

All the while, the democrats, Biden White House, bureaucrats and career politicians are conducting operations, of controlled chaos and collapse, of the U.S. and world economies. As absurd as it may sound, there is no coincidence that is responsible for all the world's governments being on the same page, making all the same wrong moves, by accident. They're stupid, but all of them without fail, all reading the same playbook? No, they want the economy to crash and they want it to happen for a reason. A reason they're hoping, that will allow them, to herd us into a desired behavior and they want us disarmed and silently compliant, while we're at it.

Get ready for even higher egg prices as the planned, orchestrated, dismantling of our food security, continues. It never rains but it pours. It wasn't enough with all the nearly one hundred plus, “accidents” at meat processing plants and other food related factories all across the country. Now, the bird flu scare, which have been brewing, in some parts, since 2020, is coming into full service, in the now controlled chaos.

A perfect plan is coming together. High fuel prices, abandoned oil and gas pipelines, the banning of trucks, in agricultural producing California, strategic slowdowns, at US ports in democrat states, it's just business as usual, right? Whenever these “coincidences”, are pointed out as being suspicious, one is automatically branded, a racist, conspiracy theorist, disinformation monger, M.A.G.A. republican, hate speech liar.

These incidents, are occurring world wide, especially, in western nations. It would be easy to to point our fingers, towards our enemies, however, these acts of sabotage, are being perpetrated by our side. There are rouge government officials, seemingly on some sort of mission, setting plans in motion, for purposes and motivations, still unknown.

Yes, indeed, if this is true, Ye, can thank Elon Musk for pulling some strings in his direction. I'll just have to wait this one out, as I don't exactly have any confidence in this source, however, I've read it elsewhere too. My Russian, is a little sketchy, at best, but it seems that there may be some merit here. I refuse to watch TV or listen to radio, except, for my own broadcasts, so, I'll never know until I read it, from numerous sources. Developing...

I wonder just how many trees have humanity saved, by using alternative fuels such as oil, gas, coal, electricity and nuclear? I'd think, quite a lot. All those comfortable little snots, thinking themselves as environmental warriors, would gladly burn all the trees down to stay warm in a winter, without oil, gas nor coal. Just think of the Sahara, and that is what our planet would resemble, if man had not discovered the black liquid gold, it's derivatives and other substances, that readily burns, to keep man warm, especially, those of us living in higher latitudes.

All those people talking about being green, will get their chances to put their proverbial money, where their mouths are. Soon will come a time, for them to put up or shut up. and since they're such tough guys, come winter, they can tough it out and show the rest of us polluting sods, just how, well sucking it up and rolling with the hard times, are done.

One wonders, just how sustainable, using fire wood can be in these modern times, when our large populations will surely consume and exhaust every living tree, if we fail to produce as much oil, gas, nuclear and coal we can get our hands on. I can safely, guarantee that, after a few hours of numbing cold, all that green talk and action, will be put on pause till the summer, providing one actually lives to see it. Sometimes, rude awakenings are all one needs to focus on the real priorities of life. May we all, someday soon, get our collective heads, out of our fourth point of contact soon.

I just read this article, written by a Mr. Joshua Moon, whom, I think, may be the founder of Kiwi Farms. An insightful article, filled with realities and I found myself agreeing with many points, having been made. Well, all the points, with the exception, of the ones, suggesting that Cloudflare and it's CEO, were the saviors of free speech and the internet as a whole.

Other that that nitpick, creating one's own internet, is a Herculean, task indeed. Even if one were to be successful, at building one's own counterfeit internet, it would still take time to populate it. However, what fun it would be, to attempt such an undertaking. As far as lofty dreams go, creating such an entity, seems a goal, worthy enough.

Is there any wonder why many patriots, right wingers, Trump supporters and many others, can easily emphasize with the Russians and Russia. During 2020, as the elections closed in, many of us started getting censored on social media platforms, then we say the plans of the globalists elitists, very clearly, when they froze the bank accounts of Canadian citizens, who protested, vaccine mandates.

The same tactics are being used against Russia and indeed, any one whom dares to oppose the western global elitists, plan for global destabilization and their ambitions for domination. It is becoming very clear, even to just, mere, casual observers, that the western political leaders, are all, suddenly in lockstep taking their marching orders, not from the people, but from their real masters, the big moneyed elitist and would be tyrants. Case in point, is the swift pronouncement of both the European Union and the deep state coalition of the US CDC and many democrat politicians, forcing the mandatory injecting of children with the untested, experimental vaccine, claimed to be a treatment for the Con-vid-19 hoax, pandemic.

In similar news regarding Russia, the west and tyranny, Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, stated that, Russia will be reducing their diplomatic presence in the west, due to security concerns and perhaps, even disgust.