Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

I'm sure that I'm not the only one concerned, nor who notices, the correlation, that withing hours, both government bodies, have come to the same pronouncement, to presumably appease their globalist overlords. I suspect that all politicians, involved, were only too happy to do so. Everyone of them, is seemingly, vying for that warm corner office in Hades. It seems as if the agents of the deep state Satanists, know that they have, but a short time.

However, it is not surprising that the same group of people who love killing babies, still within the womb, wouldn't flinch to inject the children of the peasants, with, experimental products.

Full disclousure, this isn't my work, It's been copied from this site and I'm posting it, here, in English, as I think that it is important to do so for the English readers here.


The Globalists are determined to subjugate all of humanity to an unprecedented tyranny through their Great Reset, Agenda21, Agenda 2030 and New World Order. Is there anything normal citizens that you and I can do to stop them? Yes absolutely!

They are much less than 1%, while we are the vast majority with 99.99% of humanity. WE HAVE THE POWER, NOT THEM. Their biggest fear is that we would realize this.

Once the masses of humanity rise up simultaneously and start taking intelligent action, it will be over for these criminal elites. That's why we've created a short practical guide that gives you ten practical steps to help you take action.


Don't be silent to protect yourself. Watching a man rape a child and standing by without doing anything is obvious complicity. You have refused to stop it, which is the same as letting it happen. This applies to all forms of crime. When we stand by and do nothing, we are part of the criminal act.

It's time to stand up and do something.


The key to the success of these criminal operations is public ignorance. Their worst nightmare is that humanity would become aware of what is going on. Because once the people understand what is really going on, they will resist, and the plans of the corrupt leaders will fail. That is why they focus all their efforts on brainwashing the population to keep them ignorant. Our main focus must be to use all possible means to inform the people around us. Share videos, articles, reports, etc. Never give up doing this.

We must open the eyes of the people, so that they stop following and start resisting.


I've designed flyers, posters, banners, and memes that you can use in your community to direct people to StopWorldControl.com . Since we don't own the mainstream media, we have to inform people by handing out leaflets, distributing leaflets door to door and putting up posters in public spaces. We have to place ads in local papers, rent billboards, and pay for radio ads, all of which point people to StopWorldControl.com or any other website you want people to visit.

Below is an example of an informational flyer that you can download for free, print as often as you like, and distribute in your community.


Inform the people in your community who are unknowingly the minions of the criminal entities by unquestioningly carrying out their insane orders. We must open their eyes. Send short letters and invite them to watch important documentaries and interviews. MONOPOL is one of the best productions of all time to open people's eyes. Also send them the Grand Jury Evidence and Vaccine Death Report . Be professional, polite and concise in your communication.

We need to wake up the following people: local government officials, law enforcement officials, school principals and teachers, hospital staff, local media, judges, pastors, lawyers, etc. Many of them are bribed to support the criminal systems, but some are not, and when their eyes opened, they can become powerful forces of truth.


Organize public screenings in rented spaces, showing eye-opening videos like THE PLAN , or MONOPOLY . Invite friends and neighbors, as well as local law enforcement, local government, school and hospital staff, local media, etc. Advertise the event in local newspapers and by handing out flyers. Public viewings can ignite a massive awakening!


Get involved in local politics, industries, school boards, public meetings, local media, etc. Make your voice heard in your community. Show official documents, talk about the real plans of the elite, explain how the World Economic Forum is an undemocratic organization that controls the whole world, point out how the World Health Organization is set up to be a world government through their pandemic agreement.

Share the truth to make people think. Don't expect immediate results, but start by dropping some truth bombs that can activate the critical thinking process of good people.


Don't follow the mandates that prohibit human interaction and force you to inject yourself and your loved ones with DNA-altering toxins. Don't play their game, but resist. They can never arrest the entire population. If enough of us don't follow along, there's nothing they can do. No government can arrest millions of people!


Move away from depending on their services and start creating alternative solutions. This applies to shopping, healthcare, media, finance, etc. Learn to grow your own food, invest in off-grid energy solutions, start your own business. Begin the adventure of moving away from your control systems and learn to thrive as an independent human being.


Connect with like-minded people so you can learn from them and help each other. However, make sure you never let anyone control you. We are here to help others, not to rule over each other. Build healthy communities – not little cults. Our World Freedom Directory can help you find like-minded groups in your area. Do not become dependent on organizations but use them to grow in knowledge and become more effective in your resistance.


Prepare for upcoming crises, such as food shortages, power outages, cyber pandemics, natural disasters and financial collapse. Educate yourself on how to prepare for times of crisis. Prepare mentally and practically. Create backups for food, water, energy and medicines. Build community if possible so you can help others and get help from them when disaster strikes. Learn to love others when they are in need.


Educate yourself about the laws of the land. These criminals break every imaginable law. They are lawlessness incarnate. They trample on every constitution, international agreement, medical code – they don't care about anything. If you get to know the laws of your country, you can resist their tyranny and point out how they commit acts of terrorism, murder, abuse, treason and so on.


Pray with passion and authority. Pray for justice to be done on earth and for humanity to be freed. Use your spiritual authority as a child of the Most High to rebuke and destroy demonic strongholds. When we say “NO!” for these evil powers they are rendered powerless. Bind the spiritual enemies of mankind and release creation from their grasp. Declare that justice, truth and freedom shall be set free upon the world.


Support those fighting for the future of our world. If you are financially active, then use your resources as a weapon to defeat the criminal elite and empower the freedom fighters. The elite are smarter than most of us. They do not sit on their money, but use it very strategically to deceive humanity. For example, they invest in the media, which they use to blind the people. Follow their example and be strategic with your resources. Don't wait until you're dead, use your money now to sponsor powerful initiatives that can make a real difference in the world.

Together we can end this nightmare and build a better world. The future is bright, if we all do our part.

While Hubzilla is by far my favorite Fediverse, communications client/server software, Misskey is a really close second, so I was happy to see an article hyping her up:

Like Mastodon and Pleroma, Misskey is also a micro-blogging platform. The platform was developed and created in Japan, which is still reflected in the English translations on the Misskey-Hub homepage . The project can also be found on Github . Again, many issues are in Japanese. DeepL helps here with translations.

At first glance, this may deter users and administrators.

In Europe, Misskey is still relatively unknown, since the top dog Mastodon, here mainly through large instances, blocks the view of end users for alternatives. Misskey also communicates via the Activity Pub protocoland is therefore able to communicate with Mastodon, Pleroma, Pixelfed, Peertube, Writefreely, Friedica and Co.

It's a very detailed, one could almost say, sweet article, that describes the many functions, bells and whistles, that are found in Misskey. I'm running my own instance, right now too and if a tragic moron like me can do it, almost anyone can. The article is in my third favorite language, German, my first two are English and Swedish. Danish and Norwegian, follow. Then French and the other Romance languages. That's all the dirversity I can stand.

In an obvious case of a M.A.G.A republican endangering Joe Biden's democracy, A Joe Biden, democrat, forty one year old Shannon Brandt, murdered Cayler Ellingson, an eighteen year old child.

Democrats, have been attempting murders and succeeding, in many of them, since the populist, M.A.G.A movement, have come to fruition. There was, the incident that occurred, in June 2017, when James T. Hodgkinson attempted to murder several republican congressmen, while they played baseball. There were many incidents, just prior to the Fentanyl riots, perpetuated by B.L.M and A.N.T.I.F.A, Marxists, in 2020, where trump supporters going to and coming from rallies were set upon by rabid democrats, upholding Joe Biden's democracy.

In Kenosha, Wisconsin, while trying to murder or attempt one, on a law abiding citizen, Kyle Rittenhouse, lefty, democrat, Biden and democrat supporters, were repelled by Rittenhouse while he was attacked on the streets, with skateboards, projectiles and firearms. Rittenhouse's, actions of self defense, caused the democrats in congress, to ban AR-15 rifles, because of the weapon's effectiveness, of repelling communists.

The congressional democrats, had planned to use their proverbial brown shirts, from A.N.T.I.F.A and B.L.M, to terrorize citizens into compliance, loot businesses, rape, destroy private property, and were alarmed at the effectiveness of American, heterosexual, White, men and their rifles, at quelling overt, real, life, lawlessness.

The narrative, being spread, that republicans, especially the ultra right M.A.G.A variants like me, are the problem terrorists, isn't holding up to close examination. Even at the Capitol, where the false flag January 6th, event was staged, to seem like some sort of violent revolt, the only people that were murdered, were M.A.G.A republicans, though it's obvious, that we haven't yet begun to fight.

The democrats clearly, think that we are as stupid, as they are, but normal everyday people are waking up to the fact that the democrats are phonies, frauds, hypocrites, criminals and no amount of gas lighting, false flags, or harassment, is going to undo this revelation. Image

Here is the Epoch Times', documentary of the true story, about the January 6th, assault, on the American people with revelations on why the democrats, r.i.n.o.s and the police in The District of Columbia, are trying to deflect and cover over.

“The Real Story of January 6,” a documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people. While a narrative has been set that what took place that day was an insurrection, key events and witnesses have been ignored until now. The documentary takes an unvarnished look at police use of force and the deaths that resulted in some measure from it. The film asks tough questions about who was responsible for the chaos that day. With compelling interviews and exclusive video footage, the documentary tells the real story of January 6. The film is narrated by Joshua Philipp, host of “Crossroads” on EpochTV and a senior investigative reporter at The Epoch Times.

Jasper Fakkert, editor-in-chief of The Epoch Times, said: “There has been a narrative perpetuated about January 6 that omits many of the facts about what happened that day.

“With in-depth interviews and exclusive video footage, we take an objective look at the issues, the people, and the impacts of the events.”

The film takes a close look at the shooting of 35-year-old Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt and the deaths of three other supporters of former President Donald J. Trump. It analyzes the police response to the massive crowds and use of force around the U.S. Capitol.

It examines the human impacts of Jan. 6, including the suicide of one defendant and the long pretrial imprisonment of dozens of others. It also investigates claims that some attacks on the Capitol and police were carried out by unindicted suspicious actors.

We are Being Censored. Help Spread This Documentary.

While this documentary is groundbreaking in providing a complete overview of what happened on January 6, The Epoch Times has been censored and suppressed by Big Tech. In order to spread the documentary, The Epoch Times relies on its own Epoch TV as well as other non-cancelable platforms to spread the truth. Stand up for free speech and oppose censorship by sharing the documentary with as many people as you can.

I see no reason why anyone wouldn't want to see this video. This particular file is only about 570 Megabytes, and can be downloaded from both Librarian and Odysee. What happened on that day was a deliberate staging of events to paint Trump and his supporters in a negative light to discredit, slander, and warn them that any resistance to tyranny, will be met with iron fists, or worse. We can see the subtle trap that was ensnared, with the police, suspicious actors, and leaders of congress to finally rid themselves of that thorn in their sides, Donald Trump and especially the people supporting him.

With a ready, willing, hostile media, eager to paint the subliminal, portrait, with the theme narrative, of insurrection, revolt and violence. This lie has been repeated ad nauseam. Joe Brandon Biden, in a Satanic, themed, speech in Philadelphia, repeated the lies. The message was clear, it stated that, anyone who opposes the democrats, or the establishment, political machine in Washington, D.C, will be intimidated, imprisoned, murdered, slandered and libeled. Do not dare to stand, in defense of your rights, nor seek redresses thereof. That's the message being sent by the democrats in congress and privately supported by many r.i.n.o republicans. Odysee Video Link Librarian Video Link

I thought that lefties loved the illegal aliens, that they loved all the diversity. Turns out that the lefties in Martha's Vineyard are just as racist as the rest of us. It's always nice to see a meeting of the minds, isn't it. These are the people with the signs that read, “Nobody Is Illegal.” It turns out that the National Guard were employed to remove them. I bet they felt the love.

Speaking of love, why do the leftist dip shits, continue to call these invaders, migrants? What, are they birds or butterflies? Usually, real migrating species, change homes by routine, twice a year or so, and out of necessity. They usually have a winter home and a summer home, depending on the point of view, it's all relative. Oh, and usually, migrating species, are usually welcome and they have the common decency to fly over one's border, under their own power.

I love this new strategy being employed by these based republican governors. Initially, I didn't think that they'd get any traction with it and I thought it would be a waste of time. However, I'm often wrong, so this was one of those moments when I was delighted to be so. The democrats aren't taking this lying down though, as even now, they're plotting, how can they arrest those southern governors, or at least sue them in court. I thought the United States, according to the lefties, was more racist than it has ever been. Funny that, one would think, that us being so racist, hateful and intolerant, that, especially in a economical depression, no one would want to voluntarily come here. Again I'd be wrong, these people aren't flying here, they're walking and hitching and being enabled by the same type of lefties that live in and around Martha's Vineyard. Cry more lefties, I wish to make some lemonade with those sweet, sweet tears.

I chose sides, when I realized that the democrats were on a mission to disarm me, while doing nothing about crime, except pontificate. I knew there were many republicans, who were only marginally different from the democrats but, there were a rare breed that actually revered the U.S. Constitution and seemed, to take their jobs seriously. Over time those numbers grew, somewhat and now, instead of fracturing the party, we're seeing a mass influx of populist, replacing the r.i.n.o.s, and it's an ongoing work in progress.

Obviously, the G.O.P., aren't going to give up with out a fight and more than a little dirty tricks and that's why we see them not reacting to all the lawlessness being employed by the Executive branch and the deep state bureaucrats. If the democrats were a minority in both chambers of congress, and any republican president made the overreaching efforts that many are witnessing today, they would have enough clout to drive it back, nip it in the bud and people at the F.B.I, the D.O.J and the White House, would be facing arrests. When republicans hare a majority anywhere and everywhere in the District of Columbia, they're merely in office, however, when the democrats have even the slights majority or minority, they're in power.

The silence we're witnessing from the G.O.P. leadership in the Congress and the R.N.C., is deliberate. The democrats aren't the only ones trying to derail the organic, populist movement, of which Trump is our current proxy, and if the democrats think that without Trump, we'll just fade away and assume collective fetal positions, then as we have already suspected, many moons ago, they do not know us at all. The people in the Columbia District of Washington, all live in a bubble where they're drunk with power and they're starting to believe their own press reports. The fact of the matter is this, the approval ratings of the congress, is in single digits and who knows what the real numbers are for the Biden Administration.

I hear all this talk from people, whom I thought knew better, talking about Trump is working for the Jews and other nonsense like that. So I'm assuming he wont be getting the votes of those people. So what are those people going to do, wait until every Jew leaves America and start voting then, or are they going to do what I suspect they'll do, vote for their fellow socialists, in the democrat party? When I hear crap like that, I really have to wonder which side they're on. They wont vote for Trump because he's supposedly a sycophantic Jew lover, so they'll stay home or go vote for some Jewish democrat instead. People that fucking stupid, need to side with the damn democrats.

Anyway, here's a fairly cogent reason to vote for Trump, if the democrats don't have him struck by lightning, accidentally. Luckily, no democrat in his right mind would read my posts, which is fine, since there are no pictures in this one. Image

I wonder what brought this on? Usually one has to have some serious revolts of go broke for this sort of turn around to occur. Well there haven't been any revolts so, I'm speculating that this move has something to do with money, or the dwindling, spring thereof.

Is it me or does Jacinda Arden look like a young Mick Jagger? I'm convinced that she has trans gender roots. Just look at her huge Adam's apple. I bet New Zealand is one of those commie, free health care, countries. I recon, dental care is extra there, because take a gander at Jacinda's grill. The Kiwis and Australians must be the most gullible people in the Anglosphere, followed closely by Canada and the, alleged, West Indies.

That would have been us if Hillary Clinton had won. We'd be in her second term now if I didn't fire up the time machine and rig the election for Orange Man rad. Anyway here's a video from the channel Xcubed420, don't let that pretty face fool you, that dude overdoses on red pills. Links: Kiwis Drop Convid Hoax XCubed420's Video Librarian's Link Image

On November 3, when I was at the polls in middle White Landia, New York, I was optimistic of a red wave then too, even in corrupt democrat run, New York. Then I stayed up all night to watch the fucking steal and I too, wondered, what's the use of voting if we allow shit like this to happen? However, I don't like quitting, unless I'm quitting a bad habit and it's going to take more than cheating democrats, for me to give up and surrender. Only the targets of democrat hate, can save America. Angry, White, straight men, as usual, must come out in huge numbers and harvest some mother fucking lefty tears.

The men who make America great haven't given up yet, despite all the temptations, gloom, doom and threats. Let them call us the usual names, racists, Nazis, homophobic, misogynous, terrorists and ultra. I mean, before I kept being called a Nazi, racist, I never really had an opinion on the Nazis, really. I did think that, Adolf Hitler's voice was made for giving speeches, I knew that when I'd watch videos, of him speaking, to large crowds, in my college library. Those videos must be long since burned by now, by the current crop of right think, agents, teaching at the universities these days. However, I digress. Being called a Nazi so often, and being lied about and watching the people I support, being lied about too, has had me wondering, if it all just wasn't convenient programming, about those fighting Nazis and perhaps, those Nazis weren't the only bad guys in that war. Long story short, now I don't hate them anymore, thanks lefties. I'll take a Nazi party of America everyday over those two faced corrupt democrats. So even though I'm not a full fledged Nazi socialists, even those fuckers, are preferable to me, than those shit bird democrats. Like I said, thanks democrats, lefty media, speakers, talking heads, I just started seeing the light. I'm even starting to develop my inner racist. It is so liberating to be myself now that the lefties have shown me the way. Those clowns are now good, for more than just comic relief.

Also, say what one will about those Nazis, they were some snazzy dressers and quite ahead of their time, in the military hardware department. I mean look at their helmets, from the 1930's era, that style helmet is being copied by all the world's military units today, starting in the 1980's, when the United States copied the design, for their ballistic Kevlar® helmets. Their machine guns, rifles, pistols, tanks and artillery were utterly superior and again, now being copied. I could go on with the examples, but I'm going to need material for my next posts. The only thing, that stopped the entire world, from being fluent in German, was that bone headed move, to invade Russia, when Britain was there, just ripe for the picking.

Oh, well, no sense crying over spilled milk, eh? How did I get here? Just quit your whining, grab your nuts, go out there and vote these Bolshevik democrats, out of power and sit back with the popcorn as they burn their cities down, along with Washington, District of Columbia. You know who lives there don't you? Yes, you know who, and he loves burning and looting his own. Don't do it for me men, do it for a Washington, D.C. up in flames, as democrats and the deep state, see all their hopes and dreams in ruin. Sorry Folks No Red Wave This Year Image

Knowing what we know now about the Washington D.C., deep state, the establishment politicians, the uni party and the bureaucrats, it's easy to reorganize our thoughts, to see how well we have been programmed, by all the lying media, on both the right and on the left. I find it useful to reevaluate my thoughts these days, especially now that we can see all the little emperors running around nakedly bare, obliviously thinking that they're adorned in raiment fair. World politicians, most noticeably, in the west, seem to be in lockstep, with the same agenda, the same talking points and the same very actions. The have already moved all their chess pieces, strategically on the board and, while they seem to be hurrying, as if they have but little time, they all seem to be waiting for a signal, which will give them the opportunity to pounce.

What are they really up to? Well one world government it seems. It's laughable really. Just think of all those maniacal power hungry politicians, in the District of Columbia alone, trying to reach any accord, much less an international world dictatorship, all it's bureaucracy, trying to get along without chinks in the armor and a solid foundation, incapable of vulnerabilities. They're a cocky bunch too, they have no respect for the population, and even at this very moment, they're making steps to stifle and choke off all those who oppose them and instill them with fear, intimidation and dread. One has to give it them, though, they do seem confident, almost as if they know something, which the rest of us do not know.

Besides a one world controlled, government bureaucracy, it seems as if the globalist, elitists, extremists have a strategy to make western nations in Europe and North America, poorer, drowning with debt, starving in famines, droughts and pestilence, even if all that is man made and manufactured, in order to have humanity on its knees, begging to be saved, even if the price will be each person's soul. I'm speculating, of course and it's ironic that while they're using the natural ebb and flow of the weather, as a catalyst for their control, it's ironic that the climate is the only crisis that is not being manufactured by man. The governments and their offshoots are actively waging biological warfare on the population and causing people to comply or else lose all or most of what they've worked hard and long for. They have begun to pressure, target and harass productive farmers with invented, supposed, violations of rules and or laws, to further stifle productivity.

There have been a steady series of suspicious accidents causing fires, explosions and even aircraft accidents at food processing plants in the United Stated alone, and those are just the ones that we have heard about. No doubt it's all just a coincidence. One suspects that these accidents are also occurring world wide as well, they're just not being reported. Many people claim that such observations are just mere theories of conspiracies and they just roll over and go back to their metaphorical sleep. It seems futile to wake them, after all more for us right? However they're in such a deep slumber, one expects that they'll remain that way until that day, when they're awaken by the sounds of bombs, falling all around them, while at the same time, the deep state deep state bodyguards will be too busy to stop anything, since they'll be too busy trying to frame Donald Trump, Ultra M.A.G.A republicans, black white supremacists and trying to disarm us, to notice, until way too late.

Obviously, there are a minority of people who will hang on to the narratives of the deeps state, corporate media and political pundits, to their own peril, I might add, but most of us are starting to wake up and we have begun to question everything, including much of what we once believed and held true. So, when a population, finally get to that place where they begin to see right through the subliminal text, images and narratives, set to ensnare them into apathy, passivity and compliance, it is little wonder, that those who would try to sedate them, will panic when the messages they previously employed, no longer have that power, of deception.

That is why the globalist have to turn those free peoples into enemies of states and the world. These people aren't the great thinkers, the perceive themselves to be. I'm sure that, that fictional emperor, who strutted around naked, for all to see, thought himself to be utterly wise and indeed, a brilliant thinker, especially his decision of his most recent, raiment. Indeed, whole they themselves, can only see their greatness, the rest of us are presented, only with their unaltered nakedness and everything they tried to keep hidden.