Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

After the US Supreme Court's Opinion on June 23, 2022, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. vs. Bruen, the politicians in the state of New York, and New York City, specifically, the mayor of NYC and the Governor of the state, have doubled down on their lawlessness by making their illegal, second amendment infringements, even more draconian.

This has now prompted a new lawsuit, against the state, by the Second Amendment Foundation and the Firearms Policy Coalition. New York may soon be running out of luck and it is high time we run the lawless communist democrats out of town.

Only rich celebrities, corrupt politicians, law enforcement and criminals, have any true freedom in the city and state of New York, despite the opinion of the Supreme Court. If the city and state of New York refuses to obey the law, that makes them lawless and ripe for lawsuits, revolts and protests. The law is king, and those who do not follow the law are in rebellion to the king and may or may not be subject to hanging or worse. Just saying. Long live, the lovers of freedom wherever they may be found. Links: Second Amendment Foundation Firearms Policy Coalition

I know that very few people bother to read anymore, pictures are more some people's style. Those unfamiliar with the Heller story, feel free to do a search. This time around, after forcing the District of Columbia, to stop infringing on his right to concealed carry, Heller further sued the district for imposing an ammunition limit, of twenty rounds for law abiding citizens while criminals can carry as much ammunition as they can steal. However, it seems that the District of Columbia, have recently caved and they're now waving the proverbial, white flag and now, the law abiding, can carry as much ammunition, as the criminal in the street, deep state and elsewhere. Links:

Odysee Librarian Heller Foundation

First of all, I know It's unfair to Hitler, for the comparison to Biden and the democrats. I would have chosen, one of the many murderous communists for that presentation. I'm just the armed messenger. I digress. Why do people continue to use YouTube, Twitter, Google and Facebook, take their many abuses and bitch about it, and remain in that dysfunctional, codependent union? One can only speculate. I just thought I'd throw Mr. Reagan's video out there and have us see what the regime and it's deep state thugs are so afraid of.

The Biden administration, seems to be more fragile than the snow flakes and the other cry closet dwellers. Again, don't be annoyed by the comparison, in this video, or the thumbnail, suggesting that Biden and his merry democrats are Nazis. I know it's an insult to Nazis but the democrats and Biden can still have dreams, can't they?


Ever since I left Facebook and Twitter, when they started their censorship campaign in the first quarter of the year 2020, I started exploring other platforms. These Included Gab, Diaspora, Minds, MeWe, Mastodon and Pleroma. I like Gab until just recently, What I liked about the platform was the free speech, and the Gab Dissenter App and Browser plugins. Dissenter was a creative way for people on the Gab network to comment and shit post any web page viewed, including one's own local webs server, namely, localhost or http://localhost. I've done it and so have a few other people. I just started hating gab a few days ago. The reason being, I had found a way to hack the dissenter plugin code to allow dissenter to still be useful as it was intended to be. Torba and his programmers have made sure that it no longer works. I'm sure that they noticed beforehand and just now found out how I and probably others, were doing so. Now I just can't in good conscience, use the platform any longer. There's a reason why Torba and his minions, killed Dissenter, and it's a really big secret to the rest of us. So fuck gab and anyone would be a fool to pay for that shitty platform.

However, this hatred for Gab is a recent development, while I was using Gab Social and Dissenter, I started reading about the platform and how it was based on the Mastodon code base. So I decided to explore what Mastodon was and I joined an instance and I got kicked off because I was posting pro Trump and other right wing information and it wasn't well received by that particular instance. Fair enough, since there were many Mastodon instances to still choose from and with Mastodon, I could basically import my friend list to the new instances that i joined. After being accepted by many instances and ejected from a few, I pondered how to set up my own instance. First I took the easy way, I contracted a site that would install the instance for me and I'd pay them €6 monthly. Turns out that even using my own Mastodon server I still couldn't voice my own views. This occurred in December of 2020. After only about three weeks, the company that created and hosted my server, for whatever reason, probably a breach of the terms of service, refunded my money and told me to fuck off. I did learn how to set up my own server but I wasn't liking Mastodon so much at this point.

I had some friends who ran their own Pleroma server and I had an account on that server and I realized that Pleroma seemed to be a far superior platform than Mastodon. For instance while Mastodon limited posts to 500 characters, then at the same time allowed allowed 1000 characters just for describing images that we post. However, Pleroma allowed for 1500 characters for posting. Another reason I reached the conclusion of Pleroma's superiority, was the ability to use text Markdown syntax, which gave posts a more aesthetically pleasing, professional look. On that instance I got bad reviews for the woke censorship crowd on the Fediverse, who didn't like some of my views reflected in my posts. They made complaints but the system administrator, didn't see it the same way. My posts were at the time, anti vaccine and I mostly posted that Covid-19 was mostly Convid-19, that sort of thing and in 2020 early 2021, indeed, even in places today, was verboten. Anyway for whatever reason, that instance got shut down too. It mattered not, since the nature of the Fediverse always present many options. I joined instances that allowed me the ability to post my messages without hindrance. So I was still always free. People either blocked me, friended and agreed with me or on many occasions, called me a moron.

Recently, for reasons that I still haven't processed, I became interested in a platform called Misskey, I wasn't familiar with it and nobody I knew at the time, knew anything about it so I read around, mostly on the Misskey Hub and I looked around for an instance to join and eventually did so. I loved it I wondered why anyone would use anything else. The only other Fediverse platform that I really love and see as revolutionary, is Hubzilla. I would love to set up one of those. I belong to a Hubzilla instance already but I wouldn't mind learning how to set one up myself. Hubzilla is fucking awesome. Once set up it can be a web server, blog, wiki micro blogging platform, file server and a host of other extremely, useful tools. I didn't think that I'd ever set up my own Misskey Server, but I did it, eventually, so there may be hope for me to someday setup my own Hubzilla sever alongside my Misskey server and possibly some more goodies. Anyway, I've given some background and now I'll discuss my journey, setting up my own Misskey server.

Three weeks or so ago, after having an account on a Misskey instance, I met other people who, too loved Misskey as much as I do, I talked to one person in particular, who is responsible for my success. His server was set up using docker and he instructed me on how o set it up. I got it working and the server was accessible on the network, via entering the IP address of the server. I had a domain name and a CloudFlare account too. However, I could get in on the Internet, despite running a Nginx server getting certificates from Lets Encrypt I was just stuck because my experience with docker was limited and people who probably knew why I was stuck didn't volunteer any suggestions, tricks or tips so I kept reading documents and I did gain much insight. However, even using Nginx as a proxy server failed me since I was obviously doing something wrong I just kept striking out. I blame this on my lack of docker knowledge and I'm still trying to learn more in the interim.

So how did I get my server up and running? I did it the old fashioned way, I read the Misskey documents, specifically how to install your own Misskey instance. I'll leave links at the end of this document for obvious reasons. The installation page provided three methods to install the server, namely, using docker, doing a manual install or using a bash script. I opted for the script, because I thought that it would get me up and running quicker. Naturally, I wasn't going to try the docker install because I already had, I got the server and postgrsql running perfectly but I just didn't know how to get it on the internet via Cloudflare or any other means. The information was scarce and those who probably knew how, were keeping it close to their vests. I think that I could do a manual install but that would take me longer I deduced, so I went for the automated bash script.

I commissioned a VPS, I chose Ubuntu 22 as the OS, since the script worked best with Ubuntu. I failed the first time, because I anticipated the packages that I would need for building a Misskey server and I installed them first and when I ran the script it failed. At the time I didn't know that, that was the cause of my failure so I stared over, wiped the VPS Clean, tried the script with Debian and that failed miserably too. I then had a hunch that I should start over, this time using Ubuntu again, but this time, just upgrade the packages reboot and start from there. Once rebooted, I did housekeeping, I hardened the server created a user and also another user called misskey. Once I did this, I installed nothing, and then ran the script and to my eternal joy, the script completed in minutes, successfully. I entered my domain name into the browser and there it was. So, it seems that the correct way to get misskey installed is to use either the Ubuntu server recommended by the script's author or you can take a chance, like me, and install the most recent Ubuntu version available on the VPS. So to list the steps that I took for the Misskey bash script to work, the list would look similar to this:

  • Choose a VPS running Ubuntu equal to or more recent to start.
  • Update and Upgrade packages.
  • Reboot
  • Harden the server by installing fail2ban and editing the SSH configurations.
  • Set root password, Add a regular user and add the misskey user with the command adduser —disabled-password —disabled-login misskey
  • Read and Reread the installation instructions for both the installation by script and also, the manual installation to give a little more insight.
  • Run the script as root and pray.
  • Have Cloudflare email sign up address and Cloudflare API key on hand since they'll be needed during the installation.
  • If for some reason the script must be restarted, just restart it and continue as if it were the first time since nothing is really installed until after the prolonged package installations that comes later. So if you make a mistake and have to restart the script, don't worry.

I think that's everything for the initial installation, After that just sign into the server and start the configuration by setting up the profile, adding an avatar and such. There is also an upgrade script that works pretty well too. I used it yesterday to upgrade my server to the latest version. When the script finished it indicated that the process was completed, but it did give some warnings about something which made me nervous. However I could access the server locally by running the Lynx browser and pointing it to localhost like this: lynx localhost and the misskey page popped up. So that eased my fears. So I knew that Nginx was running and Misskey was too. I restarted Postgresql but that didn't help any, so I panicked a little. Then I decided to reboot the server and see if that would help and it did. So now you know. I hope that this will shed some light on the subject, good luck and happy hacking.

Bevara Sverige Svenskt. This is the relative rallying cry of all nations world wide and it should be the rallying cry for predominantly white nations as well. I have confidence, that whites will come to their senses in time. Anyway, some good news from the Viking middle child, Sweden, because, it is being reported, that the Sweden Democrat party is dishing out red pills and, while they're not as hard core right, as the pathetic global media mafia, is claiming, there's hope that they will, eventually be so, one day soon.

Naturally, lefties globally, are reeling and reeeeing but that's how it is in the sham world of voter politics. Either we play fair or we have our revolutions and the people who have nothing to lose but their freedoms, will be the ones fighting hardest. Let's hope the rest of Europe and indeed, the nations of North America, follow suit.

First it was the communist, until they actually infiltrated and conquered the federal government and entrenched themselves, within. Next it was the Muslims. We all heard how they allegedly, destroyed the World Trade Towers. For years we heard from others how they were a threat to “our democracy,” our freedoms and our way of life. Sound familiar? Now apparently, we have won that war against all those terrorist fiends, because move over Muslims, a far superior threat lives among us, the last of the untamed terrorists, the M.A.G.A. republicans, men who dare to run free.

Who was it, that told us these tales? Why t'was the FBI and other minions of the deep state. We trusted them then, even when they proved themselves untrustworthy. However, for the last six years they have revealed their true skins. They have confirmed what we have always know, that the federal government is corrupt and rotten, from head to core. Indeed, much of Washington, District of Columbia, is.

Now their new targets are the, Ultra M.A.G.A republicans, a violent terrorists group, filled with semi fascists. I don't think that these new terrorist have much to fear from the bumbling Wile E Coyotes of D.C. Judging on how they fought and still fight their phony wars on drugs and terrorism, we know it wont be too hard to be smarter than they are. We also know that the federal government, like all bullies, have no stomach for any real fights.

The democrats have been in an orgasmic state, drooling at the thought that, Indeed, they have finally got the orange man and how pleasant it will be to enrobe him in a matching orange jumpsuit. News from a mere twenty four hours ago, heralded reports that Donald Trump was spotted in an unannounced visit to the swamps of the District of Columbia. All the deep state horses and all the deep state men, were all full of hope, to put Trump in the pen. Turns out, that he was only going golfing. Trump is the ultimate troll.

In another act of lawlessness, the democrat politicians and their deep state gunmen, in the alleged justice department, have reportedly, issued a Subpoena to Tucker Carlson. Oh so scary. Is anyone else shaking? I'm so scared I'm yawning already. The democrats, their thugs and their allies are weak and soft, everyone can smell their desperation and fear. Fuck Joe Biden, fuck the democrats and fuck the d.o.j. Read More.

Image Odesee Librarian

Look no one is upset because the mermaid is black, people are upset that woke fucking Disney, had to race swap the character instead of having a different story with this new mermaid. Disney did this race swapping, on purpose, probably with some deep state help to further their racists White people, narrative. I reckon coming up with new stories, would just be too much work, so all these Hollywood kid fuckers, decided that race swapping characters and virtue signalling, is their new business model. How pathetic.

Just because these people want to erase the White race from the USA, doesn't mean it's going to happen. The same thing goes for the truth, repeating lies over and over will not erase the truth from our hearts or minds. We're not mad, we're disgusted. Odysee Link Librarian Link Image

First, I must protest the notion that Twitter is, the most powerful force in global information transmission. Twitter is just the most populated instance of information transmission currently. The people who continue to use Twitter, YouTube and Facebook, especially the ones who know exactly what these platforms do, and still use them, whilst complaining about the inequities, remind me of codependent, abused spouses, who, for whatever reasons, refuse to walk away and begin anew. Even unicellular organisms know to do as much. When the amoeba, comes into the presence of unfavorable stimuli, they migrate away from it. I'm not sure if humans are the only organisms that try to fit in where they don't belong, but it sure seems that way at the moment.

With all the various micro blogging platforms, that exist today, many of them, superior to Twitter, one can only assume that, the dissatisfied people, who keep being censored are only still on those platforms, for purely psychological reasons. Indeed, When Donald Trump, was on Twitter, he had, I'm told, in excess of eighty million followers, today, on his own network, he has under four million. Why didn't all his followers migrate with him? Perhaps, because in their minds, Twitter is the party with all the cool kids in attendance, that they're trying to impress and perhaps, measure up to. I'm not saying these are their conscious thoughts, but what other factors would cause their behavior?

Many people use the excuse that, they're on these platforms because, all their friends and family are. Trust me, if those people found them, even remotely, interesting, they'd join them. I think that my point is this, if one's own family and friends are so enamored with the freedom hating platforms, that they can't be bothered to join their loved ones, even whilst, they're still using those platforms, the question must be asked, are these the friends and family that you should waste your time with? I mean, if one can't influence those people who give claims of love respect and friendship, how can one possibly have any sway, with total strangers? What are your thoughts?

How convenient, what a lucky couple. Imagine, two endangered, transgender parents, fortunate enough, to have a baby boy, who at two and a half, yeas old, miraculously, realizes, that he's a girl, trapped inside a little boy's body. Amazing story, it actually makes one believe, that unicorns, do exist. Imagine the horror I felt, when my two year old decided that she was a Trump loving M.A.G.A republican. Naturally, my woman, wife and I, made sure, that our little darling, spent years in electroshock therapy, for that little revelation and all the democrats in town, supported our decision, especially, her teachers. If only we were progressive enough to know that all two year old children, know better than their parents, why we could have raised the next Phyllis Schlafly. Oh, well, that's all water under the bridge now. When I think of all the times my parents forbade me from jumping off the roof, with a towel, serving as a cape, when I was five, identifying as Superman, I realize now, just how cheated I was. All that time, inside a young @agentcasey, was a the man of steel, just waiting to get out. I should sue those two bastards.