Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

This guy is good. Today, well, in this post, today, CoolHandJames discusses the dire situation of climate change and how the more the climate changes, the more it remains the same. Never mind, me, I'll just let the man himself, explain.


Long live Kiwi Farms. This is an excerpt from CooHandJames' Channel. Very funny stuff but don't take my word for it, I've been known to have a warped sense of humor. Oh, here's that excerpt: “So the Keffals saga drags on and on, and thankfully, this despicable cry bully is getting a taste of their own medicine, as after getting kwiifarms crippled for now by getting them dropped from cloudflare so their fans could commit crimes and ddos the site to take it down, with taylor lorenz and the whole of the mainstream medias backing, behaving like an unhinged lunatic and being horrible to everyone has finally started to come back at them and their comeuppance is underway, firstly because discord messages emerged of them being horrifically “ableist” towards a black person, to which keffals released a post saying how it was OK guys, they are legally disabled, so theyre allowed to use slurs against other people, what is everyone complaining about.”

I wish I had written that, anyway, there's a bit more on his channel. Here's another link to the video, just in case.


Enjoy folks, follow those links below, if you care to. Those wizardly hackers of LBRY you already know how to use lbrynet, so go at it. Watch on Librarian Watch on Odysee Image

Donald Trump is such a threat to the democrats, deep state and R.I.N.O. republicans, that they've allegedly instructed their allies on the big technology ghetto platforms, to fact check and or censor any positive press, that highlights Trump and his achievements. In classic 1984 form, anything that fits the description, described above, will be sent right to the memory hole. These are interesting times indeed. Fighting for the hearts and minds of the normies. The article can be read here. Also, on Librarian. Image

When this happens to normal law abiding citizens, the democrat states will insert a probe where the sun shines not, then the feds will have one on some kind of watch list and one will be viewed with skepticism. I don't believe this woman and I'm sure that any competent cop, doesn't either. However you be the judge. Here's a brief video.


I've run this post before on August 14th, 2022 I'm still running this computer on the network, installing all my favorite software, via ssh. It has Ethernet, and since it has two USB 2.0 ports, I plugged one of those flush wireless USB network adapters so it's also WiFi capable too. It's a little sluggish in some areas but thanks to the OpenBSD crew, this 25 year old computer, is running the latest version of OpenBSD. Sweet. Oh, and that screen with Puffy on it, that's Tmux.



In more gas lighting, Democrats had this to say: Colorado Dem Said, U.S. Will Lose Right To Vote If Republicans Win. Allow me to translate, what this democrat is really concerned about, is, many states may have curtailed the democrat tendency to cheat by having dead people on the election rolls. The democrats are always projecting, they often accuse their opponents of the very thing that they're doing, in order to confuse the electorate and the people. I think Marx and Saul Alinsky perfected that tactic. I wonder where the evidence for such statements originated? From thin air I imagine, democrat operatives can get away with such rhetoric, because they know, that no one from the media will fact check them.


I don't want a phone at all. I've always wanted a portable, self contained, Linux box, that I could walk around with on my person, just in case. That's why I bought a Pine Phone. The fact, that it comes with it's own display, power supply, and runs #Linux, is all the selling point that I need. That it has the potential to make phone calls, is just a bonus. I still love hacking the Pine Phone and I'm satisfied with the development. Initially the phone came with the Manjaro Plasma Community Edition, at the time I wasn't fluent with Manjaro or Arch Linux so I started using Mobian, since I was a long time Debian user at the time. Now I'm running Arch Linux now and I really like the OS and the Arch Linux ARM team.


Better late than never right? Is Hillary Clinton the one that's pulling Biden & Harris' strings? She's on all the TV shows lately. All three of them are ready to fight us terrorist, insurrectionists, M.A.G.A republicans. They have their narrative, their Satanic symbolism and all we have to say about that, is Let's go Brandon! Also, notice how quiet the controlled opposition republicans are. The democrats and swamp people are starting to believe their own press narrative.

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More glaring evidence, of White supremacy running amok in US cities, have been captured by our intrepid correspondent. Viewer discretion is advised. Video
