Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

Happy, Boston Tea Party Day. Inspirational

I've reached the point, where I think that the union, has served its purpose. I do not care if we remain contiguous, or not. I just prefer freedom and prefer its outline, within the framework, of the United States Constitution.

I wouldn't miss New England, California, New York or the whole East Coast for that matter, just so long as my state and perhaps, a few of the neighboring ones, or not, decide to continue with our own local agreements. I'm through with Washington DC and their centralization. They don't obey the law of the land, therefore, I see no reason why they should be treated, as being legitimate.

It would be nice if we could keep our republic together, however, I doubt, very much, that, that can ever be a valid option. The deep state never considers, the unintended consequences of their actions and I'm confident that their missteps, will force us into the freedom which they themselves have always, feared the most.

I used the tutorial below, at my own risk and with the exceptions of a few files missing from places, which I copied over, this unofficial upgrade, was a resounding success. I must say, that I did take precautions, however, to ensure that I didn't cock everything up. Indeed, I made a complete backup of my /home directory and /etc. Then I proceeded, fingers crossed, on my main Raspberry Pi, inst)allation, fingers crossed and palms sweaty.

However, before I plunged deep into the cold deep end, I at first, used a spare Raspberry Pi 4, and installed a fresh, clean install on a sd-card. Once that installation was confirmed as a success, I then proceeded to do the unofficial upgrade described further, below. As I said, the author knew his stuff, however, there were a few scripts and files that needed to be transferred over, from the clean install to make the unofficial upgrade, seem, seamless. I somehow, neglected to take any detailed notes, however one file that must be transferred is, wayfire-pi which is a bash script, located in /usr/bin/. There were a few other files that must be also, but my notes were sparse and sporadic and I apologize for that. I must do better in the future.

Getting Wayland up and running on the unofficial upgrade, did provide all the clues of which files were missing and so it was easy enough to copy those to their respective directories. I wasn't until just recently, familiar with Wayland so I was initially clueless. Anyway, it's all coming together and the system is running fine and I'm really becoming a fan of Wayland too. Here, I'm enclosing a screenshot, taken under Wayland as an illustration. I think that, I'll also use this post in one or two of my blogs, since I have been negligent there also. Thanks for reading.

Proof of Life.

How to Upgrade Raspberry Pi OS from Bullseye to Bookworm

Democrats, though useless, treacherous and traitorous, with regard to any respect for the US Constitution, are nothing, if not relentless and we haven't heard the last of them on this matter. Chipping away at the US Constitution, is what the democrat members, of the Communist Party of America, are hard wired to do. However, we the people, are grateful for all the people who, contacted their senators and gave them an earful or two. What we have here, people, is a constitutional republic and to keep it, we must be active participants and work, especially at the grass roots, local level, upwards.

The Assault Weapons Ban Was Defeated Today!

Another gun grabbing effort, by the chief gun grabbing senator, from the shithole state, of New York. Schumer isn't really an American, he really represents the globalist elitists, who control him. How many secrets they hold over him, only his demons know.

In this latest episode of, grabbing guns by Chuck-you Schumer, he brags about the Brady Bill, which he managed to get passed in congress, thirty years ago during the Clinton administration, when the democrats owned the lower house of representatives.

As a democrat, it is impossible for him to tell any truth and so he lies continually on instinct. We will be calling all our senators on this one even the gun grabbing democrat kind. We suggest that all Americans and even illegal aliens, do the same. As always, carry a gun and keep safe.

Here's a video on the subject.

A federal judge overturned a ban on licensed firearms dealers selling pistols to adults under 21, saying the rule is unconstitutional.

Judge Thomas Kleeh, in his ruling on Dec. 1, said that based on his interpretation of the text of the First and Fourth Amendments, found that the Second Amendment does not exclude 18-to-20-year-olds, meaning the court “can discern no reason to read an implicit age restriction into the Second Amendment’s plain text either.”

“The Court concludes 18-to-20-year old law abiding citizens are part of 'the people' who the Second Amendment protects,” wrote Judge Kleeh, who is the chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia. “Plaintiffs themselves and the activity which federal law and regulation currently prevent them from undertaking are covered under the Second Amendment’s umbrella of constitutional freedoms.”

He added that the plaintiffs' capacity to purchase handguns falls under the Second Amendment's “unqualified command” and that “challenged statutes and regulations are not ‘consistent with the Nation’s historic tradition of firearm regulation'” and that the rule barring the plaintiffs from purchasing handguns was “facially unconstitutional and as applied to Plaintiffs.”

The judge's ruling also drew heavily from the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling last year in the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association Inc. vs. Bruen that required gun control laws to have a basis in historical tradition. The top court in its order struck down a New York law and determined it to be unconstitutional, affirming an individual's right to carry a pistol in public under the Second Amendment.

His order stipulated that under the Bruen ruling, ‘‘To justify its regulation, the government may not simply posit that the regulation promotes an important interest.”

I think that the relatively new, internet protocol, namely gemini, is roughly only about, three years old now and one could not forget the overt enthusiasm for its use. There were numerous, proponents advocating its merits and how the rest of the internet was, ever so bloated and that gemini, was indeed a nostalgic solution, to remedy all that.

All that, it seems, was just people getting on the bandwagon of the latest thing and now it seems that hardly anyone is still exploring or using gemini anymore. Is that really true? One article from a tech source, have surmised, that the protocol is for a niche clique of users or some other utter rot. The fact is, gemini is a very minimalist way to have an outlet on the internet and perhaps the only drawback, is that different types of browsers or extensions to existing browsers, may be needed to access content on gemini. Although, perhaps, it may be true that only a relative few may indeed, find any use for gemini and I may just be one of them.

Gemini Project Page.

Accompanying Article.

What a clever move by the Biden administration. The leak a story, saying that they have released six billion dollars of stolen Iranian assets, in a time when congress is less apt to give any more billion dollar support, presumably, for the Ukrainian effort, then suddenly there is a crisis in Israeli, Gaza region, to which the neocon and their assets can blame Iran, giving them the pretext, to permanently steal Iranian assets. Wow, these guys aren't half bad. I think even the Mafia and their cartel cousins, may be able to learn a few lessons on how to steal and mind fuck many, from this lot.

Arguably, stealing other people's assets, will, undoubtedly, lead to reciprocal behavior and when one starts on this course of action, one may wish to ask, just whom, has the most to lose in the end. Meaning, it would seem that the United States is ripe for the picking and has very much more to lose than anyone, may realize.

I'm no doubt reacting to this story here.